Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Is Marx Still Relevant?

Of course he's still relevant, that is not, or should not, be the point.

Here's the thing: he had great insight into the contradictions of Capitalism; especially in terms of how labor would be at a disadvantage power wise, but right now that is really not the most important aspect to be focused on. And I say that because it risks too much of the "rear view mirror thinking" that McLuhan used to talk about. That's the thing where you see too many things in terms of the old way of viewing the environment you currently operate in. It was the view he described as having people call automobiles horseless carriages when they first came out.

The bigger point here is the fact of electrification of information. The fact that this has created a completely new operating environment and we really ought to be accepting the fact that Capitalism is simply no longer relevant to that new environment. That, in fact, this new environment requires involvement in depth, with meaningful connection for all participants, instead of a clever few. As such, we must begin the process of creating something completely new.

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