Friday, October 7, 2016

The Key Element in Trump's Definition of Being Smart?

Screwing those who invest time or money with him.

The quote below from an the article, and an investor burned by Trump says it all:
When Sebastian Pignatello saw the news that Donald Trump had declared a loss of $916 million in 1995, potentially allowing him to legally avoid paying federal income taxes for close to two decades, the retired Queens investor wasn't surprised. As a shareholder in the Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, Pignatello had a front row seat to the many ways in which he says Trump used the legal and corporate landscape for his own benefit, almost always at the expense of everyone else's.
"I invested in the Trump casinos because I thought there was value there," said Pignatello, 67. "What I was totally oblivious to was Donald Trump's ability and willingness to screw the people that he deals with... That was my downfall as an investor."
For those of you still playing the sucker as a member of the Trump Chump Brigades, when you finally begin to feel how you'eve been taking it in the ass by this lying con man, don't you ever say you weren't warned.

Trump Tax Revelations No Surprise to Past Associates

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