This article from Politico is illustrative of how money and information are the same thing. It is also illustrative of how those who already have large accumulations get to know far more about everything else than we do; whether its the accumulation holders or everything else that we remain ignorant of.
Ignoring for the moment whatever difference their may be between mere information, and actual intelligence, one can I think make the observation that, with more information, one's ability to apply their message with greater strategic, as well as tactical, effectiveness, is significantly increased. Which, to my mind, further emphasizes what is behind the new "amplification" of electrified information retrieval. Add to that the ability to encompass broad swaths of media channels, as well as message saturation over time, and you have a potent argument for why an individuals freedom of speech is not equivalent to any form of incorporated speech, or where the counter accumulations involved in expressing that speech, are the result of the profits of such incorporation.

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