Monday, August 8, 2022

The Awful Calculus Of "Acceptable Deaths a Year"

And of course what we're talking about there is the rate for any particular process deemed essential to the current economic system.

This is getting trotted out now because the Masters of Money are truly worried weather their system can survive. And I am talking about much more than just this first shoe (which just happened to be a biological event), in what has been but one of many, able to start, perfect storms, of perfect storms, of great chaos, and disruption.

Before I go any further, though, I feel obliged to point out that I have used a similar argument in talking about what I have felt was an over reaction to the, understandable fear, that resulted from the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

That gave us, you will recall, the TSA, Homeland Security, and an airline industry that found a way to make a lot of money turning necessary social logistics into a an exercise in "Aluminum tubes of humiliation sausage," for far too many, just for semi-affordable (because most paycheck to paycheck, working people, still can't afford it, and so cannot afford to "Vote With Their Feet"), regional mass transit.

My complaint was that, the choice of giving up a lot of freedom, for a questionable gain in safety, in this context, was odd, considering we all take the tens of thousands of deaths we cause ourselves, on our freeways, with only moderate notice, simply because we also like to use our distracting, media devices; stating that TSA agents would save more lives by being deployed to driveways, street fronts, and garages, to confiscate these devices (forcing the users to put them in the car trunk, lets say), before you could begin your traverse to wherever.

Seeing how the argument is now being used by the "The Demented Clown Car Driver" administration (with King Boso himself, gleefully tossing the steering wheel out the window), I have been given cause to reconsider the long term costs of its continued use. Even if mine was a bit less, starkly cold, on the prospect of people dying in the first place.

In being made to think about this further, now, I believe I have come to some tentative conclusions you might want to consider here:

1: First of all, lets be clear that, for the most part, the majority of deaths any of might be talking about, in these types of considerations, in this economic system, are going to be among hourly, paycheck to paycheck, working people. And you do not have to look very far to see facts to allow you to believe that; as in, from the beginning, who among us have always been able to get the good tests, and the best treatment, as well as the best chances for a non desperate type of "sequestration?" Yup, you guessed it, the most well to do of us, that's who. The very people who have reserves to fall back on, if only for a limited time, certainly, with the way these people like to burn through self indulgence.

2: What are the assumptions inherent in allowing this argument to take place at all? Are you sure you are clear on them?

For instance, a lot of what we are supposed to take for granted, as a part of modern economic life now, is that a certain number of us will die on the highways; and of various diseases, and various accidents, because of the very fact of everyday occurrence, as a part of economic life. And we accept that without looking very deeply into what serves to exacerbate those very things; which is, of course, the system itself; because it is, and always has been, a toxic monster. The only difference now is that it is an electrically accelerated one, seeking the impossibility of moving all processes at the speed of light (because now, if it doesn't kill you by environmental poisoning, it will kill you with one kind of work related stress, or outright physical damage -- when the corner cutting, on the thirst for more profit, in creating output ever faster, with less cost, makes things break down, or explode, in terrible ways).

This is why you have the truly monumental absurdity of our "Boso" saying we have to accept a certain amount of deaths, while at the same time having just gutted the EPA rules on restricting power plant pollution, based on health concerns. And having already gutted pollution rules for most vehicles to be produced in the future, to list just a few things this demented clown car driver has already done.

And even more absurd yet: he boasts, at the beginning of this biological event, that all he is really concerned about is having "his bad numbers go up," and by obvious implication, his good numbers go down. And just as obvious, his good numbers are those that make sure rich people are making more, and the bad any that makes him look bad. And nothing can make you look bad a whole lot worse than folks fixating on the fact that they are dying in very significant numbers; and for no more "good reason." than a minimum wage job, and help for what ails you that you can hardly ever afford.

Nope. The true message here is that you are supposed to accept these risks, as well as the crushing debt, because that's simply you lot in life. Whereas theirs is to be the privilaged, ruling class.

Boso The Demented Clown Car Driver

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