Friday, January 18, 2019

Politicians, On The Right, And The Left, Should Be Asked Two Basic Starting Questions

Now that we'll be starting another Presidential season again soon, And let me just say, neither of them involves impeachment (quite justified though that is).

The first is: Do you agree, or disagree, that Capitalism is obsolete?

The second is: Do you agree, or disagree, that we face an existential threat far greater than even the one the "Greatest Generation" faced, back in the day; back when it was mostly Imperialism, or Fascism (as opposed to the Colonialism we probably should have been at least as concerned with), that forced our national mobilization.

On the first point, it seems to me, if you do not agree, you have a whole hell of a lot of explaining to do.

On the second point, it seems to me, if you do not agree, you also have a whole hell of a lot of explaining to do.

And on a personal note here, I just have to say that it breaks my heart to see, bright, very much involved, and publicly gifted, individuals, continue to think that you can operate true, Progressive Socialism, from within Capitalism; even if it weren't as out of date, and mutatedly corrupted as it undoubtedly is now. Especially now that electrified amplification has made everything so brutally, and destructively competitive. Even as it also pushes for ever more unsustainable consumption, with an ever more pervasive, and corrosive, messaging environment; precisely because information is a commodity that no one gives away now without some expectation of ever more gain.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is the Darling of the Left, Nightmare of the Right

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