Saturday, May 4, 2019

Absolutely The Economy Is Booming

That's a big part of why it has become so damned destructive in the last few decades, over and over again; every time it does the old "Bubble and Bust," two step, looking for the next place to explode (or implode) with the newest "correction."
And in case you hadn't noticed, the more it accelerates, the more people, and things, just start flying off the handle, off the game board, and way beyond all bounds of sanity, or morality, as well.

This is because the electrification of money demands that everything be made to move faster to satisfy the dictum that money has been made like electrons. Made to move through electric circuits, always seeking the path of least resistance. This is why Capitalism has become a mutated monster, sucking people in, more and more, faster and faster, for jobs that aren't necessarily so good for a healing planet, or a healing people; assuming, of course, that we'd like to heal both planet and ourselves.

Sucking people in, though, to consume them like a fire storm ("Damn the mixed metaphors, and full speed ahead," I say) consumes anything flammable. Sort of like moths to a flame, but only on a truly mind boggling, industrialized scale.

This thing called Capitalism had its day, but that day is long over. It is way past time to retire it.

Do it. Do it now, while you still have the chance.

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