Thursday, September 27, 2018

The First Challenge Is Recognizing The Need For Deep Change

Then you need to look deep into yourself and try not to be intimidated by the sheer enormity of all that confronts us. The enormity of not only how impossible it might seem for us to turn the climate situation around, now that the trend line for ice at the poles looks so bad, as well as to how so much technological change has made our old economic operating system so incapable of handling much of anything anymore, other than the ever increasing greed of those who still cling to most of the ownership of it.

There is reason to have hope. And there is reason to have faith. We just have to remember who we can be when the chips are really down.

The "Greatest Generation" remembered, when we lost most of our Pacific Fleet, and found ourselves in a two front war, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. And we only had the semblance of a multi front war Army, and nothing even close to a war footing industry.

But we mobilized. And we were able to do that because we could find, terrible, simmering differences though we still had, a shared vision of what needed to be done.

We can find that shared vision again. It won't be easy, but it can be done. I have laid out a way to start this process. Please I beg of you. Give it careful consideration.

New Climate Debate -- How to Adapt to the End of the World

See Also:
It May Not Be The Best Plan, But It May Well Be The Best Plan Narrowing Options Are Likely To Give Us In The Time We Have Left

We're Going To Need A Lot Of Audacious, And Innovative Ideas, To Save Ice In A Lot Of Places.

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