

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

What's Really Being Suggested, At Least In Part, Here Is the Same Fallacy Suggested In The Movie 2012

That being the notion that doing anything both immensely, technically challenging, as well as equally environmentally complex (including all of the social, and physical, systems that have to be interfaced with successfully; even as a significant combination of them all are already stressed by whatever bad situation that's creating the need in the first place), and for which a major requirement is the, always quite increasingly desperate, need for solutions capable of saving a very important part, of those very same, intermixing systems.

In this case, of course, it is the fate of large urban areas, faced with a great deal of new kinds of change now.

In the movie 2012 the problem was the need to save some fragment of society at all, given an almost completely catastrophic geophysical event. One that would leave little ground above water for a while. The solution for which was to build truly immense, virtual habitat, arcs that could hold enough genetic diversity, and material capability, to start over again with.

The time factor could be argued as considerably greater in the latter example, and the idea that panic would have automatically rained down on all if people were told the truth; and that is certainly a good possibility. It is also possible, however, that, given a lottery where every region would be guaranteed survivors on the arc if they would work the sacrifice it would take to save any at all. And given that everybody could be given as much of everything left, also by lottery, for as much fun as could be had, in mandatory spare time, maybe things could be made to be different enough, than that that old, "we'll all just die with our hands around each other throats," cliche might suggest.

Be that as it may, however, in both cases here it is suggested that the only way to do this would be to allow the rich to finance it. Because, obviously, as we are to led to believe, there would be no other choice to approach doing it other than via the system that created the problems in the first place. And because of that, also, ending up having to have the accommodations be those these people think they deserve, because they would just as obviously end up owning how it all would be run afterwards, anyway.

My contention is that it does not necessarily have to be that way. If we recognize the need to mobilize now, as if we were confronting a great new world threat, we could set working people free as they never have been before.

And let me reiterate here that this includes all folks, salaried, or hourly, working at wages up to at least $10 million a year. The real working majority of us that do not engage in investments in all their ilk: as in marketing, or banking, or speculations of various sorts of abstract instruments of debt. Systems of interaction that we needed because we needed that universal experience translator called money.

Just try to get it through your heads here, though. The electrification of experience retrieval has made that old need obsolete. We do not have to have abstract counters somewhere that have to exchange only in the sense of which server their phantom ones, and zeros, are stored on. Be sort of exchanged so that we can exchange them for the things we need, and want.

What we do have to have are new ways to think about how to manage material flows, and the application of people power, so that the mere act of participating, in your nearly self sufficient community, gives you an equal base share, of what that community is then able to support; with all of the citizenry there, participating in negotiating what are the production, and flow management priorities, for that community.

If the very rich want to continue a life within the belief system of "High Financials" Capitalism, that's fine with me. Let's work with them in figuring out how both sides can go their separate ways in an equitable, and mostly satisfactory way for both. And let's be very clear here. This would be beneficial for both sides.

I can say that because I believe that the planet itself will not be saved unless us working people are allowed to get to healing without having to let all the old problems of money get in the way. Let's take a parting tax from them and them let them do their own thing, with whatever part of the world that wants to stay with Capitalism, and use that as a resource to make our transformation go more smoothly, and cooperatively with those other folks that we will very much want to still be trading partners with (as well as ongoing participants in very important treaties that we agreed to as a nation).

We do a complete inventory, and figure out what this nation is really worth, in its totality, and then we issue a bond in that value. We give the rich a complete buyout of their holdings, minus a final separation/environmental tax, and then help them set up in an enclave, or group of enclaves, of their choice, debt free, as far as we are concerned, from that point on. We do that, and help them establish a kind of commodities, foreign currency, swap and bidding exchange, cooperative; one where we would put the entire sum of their monies into, as well as all of our gold reserves. We then negotiate a decreasing reserve requirement with them that ensures that they have to leave significant portions of their deposits as something other than the demand type. That way they don't go hog wild at the get go with new speculation for the rest of the world's economy, as well as give us an exchange system we can keep our financial commitments for the rest of the world with, as we transform into something new (trading commodities indirectly when we can't do barter directly with certain folks, for whatever reason).

And then we use that bond, from ourselves, to ourselves, to help pay for all of the things that we need a single payer for (including the differential to make everyone have a living wage). And in that payment, from ourselves, to ourselves, because the majority of us will be working, I guarantee you, it will serve to act as the servicing of that debt. Thereby, in the fifteen to twenty years this will take to work through, we all continue working as we have, getting paid, but with each servicing entitie's, controlled profit, going towards the continued creation of the counters we will soon come to see we really do not need anymore. Not if we can become as self sufficient, and sustainable as we have the knowhow to be. Even in the face of continuing disruption from a very chaotic atmospheric system, and the prodigious amounts of effort it is going to take to start getting greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. As well as the further prodigious amounts of effort it will take to start building the "New Ismus" for mass migration that this planet will need, once people can afford to start having babies, and stable families again.

Yes, this is quite a stretch of the imagination. And yes, it will be incredibly difficult to negotiate, at all levels. But if you are honest with yourself, and you look with a clear eye towards the future, how else are we to do the things that will heal the earth, and solve the great issues of inequality of material well being that predominate in most of the world today. Absolutely intolerable amounts of material deficiency between haves, and have nots. For which instability, and the desperation that goes with it, are guarantees of only more turbulence, both social, and environmental, to come.

Money will not solve this. That, in a nutshell, is my bottom line on this. It might help in transition, but it must be got rid of as a fundamental matter of survival. Because it will only make matters worse otherwise.

I Have a Feeling We’re Not in New York Anymore

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Who Needs Foreign Dictators Trying To Subvert Our Democracy

When we have plenty of traitors to Democracy at home to do it for them?

One thing this makes clear, though, is how, in significant part at least, certain Republicans were able to create a situation, in various voting districts, where a rabid few could create the possibility of carrying out the new process of being "Primaried;" you know, that other, big elephant, in the room of why getting recalcitrant, former believers in "Conservatism," and compromise, to now tout policies antithetical to the core interests of our nation, by a very non representative fringe. The net effect of which has caused so much government gridlock (in conjunction, of course, with "Liberals," and the
"Progressive Left", having their own problems with compromise).

And so now virtually every Republican member of either the House, or the Senate, shakes in self serving terror at being held hostage, by this ever more boldly acting fringe, that has come to power exactly by traitorous duplicity with anyone who will share their lust for getting what they want, by whatever means is necessary.

And if that means making common cause with morally corrupt dictators (whether actively, and pointedly, coordinated, or only indirectly so) as well, so be it.  It's just no big deal for these people; just as long as they get their lusting hands on more money, and prestige, in their new gilded age of foul aristocracy.

And if you think you will be able to stop it by simply trying to do more piecemeal "Reform" of Capitalism you are sadly mistaken. Just as the last thirty to forty years of such efforts have also clearly shown.

Money is absolutely not the root of all evil. Human frailty is. But saying that does not change the fact that nothing creates a hothouse environment for corruptive influence, into that frailty, more than an economic operating system so hopelessly out of date as this one is. So out of date and corruptible precisely because it wasn't ever meant to handle the changes that the electric amplification of everything has brought to all of the technological extensions of our faculties; precisely the situation that is referred to when one utters the phrase "amazing new instrumentality."

Change is coming. Change you cannot stop with money alone. Change that thinking with money alone got us into in the first place. And until we recognize that sad fact we will continue to frustrate ourselves into total annihilation.

Key witness testifies to tampering with absentee ballots in N.C, House race

Saturday, February 16, 2019

What If His Own Contradictions Of "Emergency" Aren't Enough?

Even though, obviously, they should be. As it clearly came out of his own mouth yesterday, as well as having been amply demonstrated by his own administration's lackadaisical approach to the matter, in real legislative terms, over the past two years.

What if Chief Justice Roberts doesn't rise above interest group ideology, and vote like a true jurist? You know... In the way where you don't try to twist an obvious tear into the Constitution, with tortured, B.S. leagelease, to provide even a pathetic attempt at justification; which recent nominees might be a great deal more inclined to do?

What if money, and people who know no limits, find a way to use that money to get to any of the "packed conservative majority." And they, like the spineless Republican majority in the Senate, vote their sole self interest in staying in those nice, cushy, positions of power (because of the "primary threat," for the legislators certainly, but just because they can't remove you from a judicial office doesn't mean they can't get to you in other ways; especially via your family, and children, and what might be denied to them, let alone done to them, down the road). The very majority that the day before the rose garden grotesquery, that a very sick person put forth, warned the President not to do what he did, but went ahead and cowarded out anyway, the day of that debacle, to suddenly reverse, again, and support him.

What will all of the "Liberals," and the still sane "Conservatives," and even the supposed "Progressives," who think that Capitalism can be saved; what will all of these folks do when our demented "Clown Car Driver-n-Chief" gets his carte blanche ability to declare whatever supposed "National Emergency" he wants to declare. Now, of course, that his best buddies are just dictators, quite adept at whatever kinds of brutality, and villainy, it takes to suppress dissent, and crush all opposition.

What will they do?

Even more importantly, what will you do?

Will you still do nothing as, whatever the foreign power de jour is, using whatever flattery, for a child, that it takes, in this deeply flawed man, occupies this nation just as if they had landed an occupying army. Handing our beautiful experiment in Democracy over to these monsters on the cheap?

Think it possible folks. If not this time around, then the next one. Because there is sure to be a next one, if this one doesn't do it. If for no other reason than the merchants of the "Commoditization of Conflict," will need to egg it on because that is what they must do to keep their very questionable brand of notoriety going.

Make no mistake here. He will try to bring this to whatever kind of cataclysmic conclusion he can conjure to make everybody else blink first. Or catch them apathetic enough, asleep at the switch enough, or just comfortable enough, to not want to be bothered in any case.

Do you think Wall Street will care, as long as stability can be imposed, one way or another?

As always, time will tell.

How The President Donald Trump Administration Is Bucking The Legal Process -- All In

See Also:
Ret. Lt Col To GOP -- Confronting Trump Is Not Omaha Beach On D-Day -- The Beat With Ari Melber

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Commoditization Of Conflict

The monetization of which, certainly, provides most of the real, self serving motivation that these people try to portray as conviction based advocacy; knowing full well that certain demographic groups are easy pickings for fear mongering, and manipulation.

In that context, it doesn't matter who you pit against who, to these people, just as long as you can get sufficient numbers enraged up enough to buy whatever they have to sell; which is both a continuing brand as "relevant, controversial persons of note," as well as the books, the seminars, and paid speaking engagements, that earn these people incomes that you'd think would make anybody suspicious, let alone the usual lower income folks that they like to prey upon.

As such, you can see why it matters very little to them that ordinary working people are the ones who are hurt the most here, when they get their "shutdowns."

And the best part of this absurdist, theatre of distraction, is that it makes it all the more likely to keep "Business as usual" going; precisely because it keeps those at the bottom, and the middle, at odds with each other so they can't realize their own common ground here. That they are being played by a mutated system that is not only patently not sustainable, it is one that is making us all sick of spirit, mental and physical health, as well as being threatened by a planet that will have no more of flagrant, individual disregard, of the limits of complex systems, and their carrying capacities.

Make no mistake here. You let all of this continue at your great peril. And you can do this just by continuing to do nothing but what you have been doing, in just trying to get by as best you can now. Understandable though that is, it is only going to make the final rupture, of so many energizing fault lines, inevitable.

We have a window of opportunity still open to us to act. It will just take the choices of a lot of people finally coming to the necessary conclusion that we must start over with something completely new. Something working folks themselves are front and center in determining the shape of. And, in my view, that is going to take something along the lines of the "Grand Compromise" that I have been proposing for several years now. A compromise worked out by a new coalition of the Libertarian Right, and the truly Progressive Left, with what I have been posting in Google Blogs, for the last few years, as simply a starting point with which to begin the discussions.

And all I ask is that you take some time and read back into the posts here, and on the "Containers of Containers..." Cosmolosophy Google Blog. Read as many as you can possibly stand, and then make up your own mind. I don't expect you to agree with me, but I am hoping you will at least get in the habit of asking deeper questions, and then always be trying to find common ground, with all of your neighbors, so that we can have a chance to keep this wonderful experiment in Democracy going.

Fox News keeps forcing Trump into shutdowns

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

This Is "Business As Usual" Now Everyone

Don't worry about having to get used to it though.

Like most everything about Capitalism now, this is most certainly not sustainable. Not for very much longer anyway. And that is because all of the things, that the whole ugly process has been kicking down the road, for at least a century now, for later generations to deal with; all of those things that are now coming due. As an angry planet, and angry social systems, all over the place, now both attest to.

The simple fact here is that we, as in the hourly, and salaried, of America, that makes every community actually function, must stop participating in this farce, as presently constituted, any longer. Just stop. Knowing that this will take sacrifice, and thus challenging those with a little bit more in helping those with less.

That means strikes not only across the boards work wise, but also payment strikes as well. Because suffer though some of us will in this, how many debt actions, and foreclosures can they do if a significant majority of students with debt, all stopped paying, as well as renters paying rent, homeowners paying mortgages. How much would even the credible threat of such a thing shake Wall Street?

The problem here is that ordinary Conservatism, and ordinary Liberalism, no longer apply because of the very fact of the mutation of Capitalism at the hands of one of the very technologies (electricity) that helped it be so successful in raising humanity's general material well being; as well as our level of technical knowledge. For which, as we now see quite clearly, a terrible price, not only was, but continues to be, paid. The only difference now is that there just aren't that many more extensions left to us as far as avoiding having our place in existence cut off at every point of pivot, and support, much less than the knee alone.

Which leaves the bottom line here as it always has been: The choices now that will face each and every one of us in the next two years.

And it all boils down to: What is more important to you, the right of self gain without limit, or the responsibility to balance self need with the needs of the greater collectives around you. You know... The ones that make civil life, as well as most organic life, possible; because the carrying capacity of all, in integrated action with each other, is only capable of handling so much, at any given moment.

As always, time will tell.

Big businesses promised wage hikes from Trump's tax cuts. What actually happened

Saturday, February 9, 2019

This Is The Kind Of War You Get

When the supposed gods of mount Olympi-Rich get after each other. So don't waste too many crocodile tears, or brain cells on it, or either side here.

In fact, as this sort of thing goes, the amount of actual, cross purpose effort, and things done in direction opposition to each other goes (as in where financial titans, tech titans, or Criminal Capitalists generally, want to make money in diametrically opposed fashions -- whatever the relative merits of any of their endeavors, and they end up having the economy spinning its wheels a hell of a lot faster, without actually getting anywhere towards the betterment of the rest of us), this does little more than just make the information sphere a bit more distractedly irrelevant; when, of course, a great deal of that sort of thing is already being done.

The one good thing here, though, is that it does also illustrate why information, as commodity, as well as identity as branding, makes absolutely no sense to a society that wants to value both Democracy, as well as a workably balanced way, for whatever group of folks, to negotiate what is collective truth, at any given moment; why any of that is made to be virtually impossible when "truth" can be purchased by the right competitor, with the best applied pile of abstract counters, in which to make their truth the more dominant.

Everything else, in these excited recitations, of big names doing ugly, and salacious, things, is just so much more bad entertainment to binge watch on. Certainly you should expect any number of streaming big shots to announce functionalized, content spin-offs, very soon now.

More depressing, though, will be how undoubtedly popular these spin-offs will be. And these two guys brands will probably only flourish, in net effect, as a result; playing to whatever susceptible, or active core constituency, they already have. After all, look how the "Brand" of Nacro Drug Lord grew on Netflix, and this only after the popularity of one Tony Soprano on another content creator/provider.

A Scandal For The Ages, Even During President Donald Trump’s Presidency | Deadline

See Also:
Saudi Media Blitz Could Explain Devotion Of National Enquirer-AMI -- Rachel Maddow


Monday, February 4, 2019

The Many Facets Now Of Money Made Madness

This short list of linked articles is just the tip of a very large iceberg.

The list depicts examples of just some of what it is that the many "disruptors" do, in their separate paths (without a thought to real, comprehensive, systems integration) to what they feel is only clever entrepreneurialism: they set up all of the unintended side effects that make life hell for the rest of us. And they do this because money makes it possible for them not to have to care; assuming, of course, that they can make the big score before all of the side effects become known.

Whereupon it also ought to become obvious why information, and who gets to know what when, becomes even more critical; not only for those who would like to avoid having things become more hellish, but also for those who don't want anybody raining on their potential IPO parade before they've had a chance to fully cash in. As such, you can see why so much money also goes into making sure only the right people get to know what ought to be known.

Whereupon, as well, it should become clear, that simply trying to "reform" this cluster f_ck, of a systemized process of SNAFU, with one bandaid here, or one there, is quite simply a fool's errand of epic proportions.

This cannot hold. Assuming you want a society, that works for the working majority, at least as much as it works for the rich minority.

Any idiot now can see that this cannot hold.

And the only question remaining is what are you going to do about it, because every single one of us working people are going to have to become involved if we're to have any hope of changing it.

The DIY designer baby project funded with Bitcoin

What Is the Blood of a Poor Person Worth?

Lawsuit Details How The Sackler Family Allegedly Built An OxyContin Fortune

The Airbnb Effect: It’s Not Just Rising Home Prices

Developments In Software And Technology Are On Course To Displace Millions Of Jobs

[Link Note: Even though this one doesn't have a direct link to entrepreneurialism, it should be cause for great concern there as we've already seen how the Right would love to further privatize all aspects of law enforcement. And in that vein, let us also not forget just how much the "War On Drugs," has already become Big Business. J.V.]


Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Real Shame Here...

... Is that Google, and Alphabet, senior management, has no shame about this at all in the first place. And at the base of it is the simple fact that giving back to a community just isn't worth the scrutiny that having a public forum, for a more visually appealing view, of complex issues, provides. As in not only how that might present dangerous ideas about Capitalism, but also criticism of the company as a whole, as if an honest organization couldn't stand, or be made better with such input; assuming, of course, that they truly felt themselves on good moral, and practical grounds.

I say that because the really nice thing about it was its ability to have more than one, deeply related, blog, shown juxtaposed together, for maximum contrasting effect. And I'd like to think I was putting that dictum to good use, conceit thought that may (you can be the judge with the sample shown below.

In my view, the search engine function of Google, as well as Google Blogs, and Google+, should be split from Alphabet as a good faith effort by an entity, that is already making money hand over fist, to show that it does care about data properly, relationally, organized, and made retrievable, for the public good. And thus there to be commented on in an intelligent way.

But that, of course, is quite unlikely to happen. Unless the real, collective conscience of what formed Google steps up; the one that had people walking out on injustice to women, as well as other issues.

As always, time will tell.

See Also:

Which Countries Are Responsible For The Most Carbon Emissions, Mapped

Friday, February 1, 2019

Why Must The Working Majority Be Made To Keep Up With The Machines

Just for the profit benefit of the few. Making us pay, over and over again, for the knowledge, and training, that society itself makes possible in the first place. Because, of course, that is also a profit stream for them.

If we redefined work, from the ground up to handle the new electrified information environment we face now, we could eliminate the now toxic "disruptionism" that is precisely the result of mutated competition. The very kind of disruption mindset that is making stability ever more impossible with each passing month, as each greedy practitioner races to monetize theirs first, and with the most effect.

And from that point on it becomes the mindset of "to hell with human value," or of being mindful at all of the unintended side effects, as these various thrusts of endeavor run into, and over, and all around, not only the intents of a bunch of greedy "others" (confounding, confusing, or leveraging, everybody else's efforts, but in totally unexpected ways, to make any kind of, overarching command, and control, all but impossible), but also, now, any meaningful attempt to preserve a lasting form of social cohesion impossible as well

This is important because, in redefining work, we could also, then, make the machines work for us as a whole (being able then to incorporate real, effective, integration, not only as a founding principle, but as an ongoing necessity), as well as a planet that I am very sure has had quite enough of Capitalism's "disruptions."

And make no mistake here, the choice is still yours to make. If you are willing to start taking responsibility for yourself; responsibility that clearly identifies you as someone who has the right to demand a social compact that makes sense to both Mind Meaning Space (the logical), as well as Body Meaning Space (the emotional).

Think long and hard on this. Your life, and the life of the planet depends on it.

Robots are changing the nature of work. Here's how to stay ahead