

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Real Shame Here...

... Is that Google, and Alphabet, senior management, has no shame about this at all in the first place. And at the base of it is the simple fact that giving back to a community just isn't worth the scrutiny that having a public forum, for a more visually appealing view, of complex issues, provides. As in not only how that might present dangerous ideas about Capitalism, but also criticism of the company as a whole, as if an honest organization couldn't stand, or be made better with such input; assuming, of course, that they truly felt themselves on good moral, and practical grounds.

I say that because the really nice thing about it was its ability to have more than one, deeply related, blog, shown juxtaposed together, for maximum contrasting effect. And I'd like to think I was putting that dictum to good use, conceit thought that may (you can be the judge with the sample shown below.

In my view, the search engine function of Google, as well as Google Blogs, and Google+, should be split from Alphabet as a good faith effort by an entity, that is already making money hand over fist, to show that it does care about data properly, relationally, organized, and made retrievable, for the public good. And thus there to be commented on in an intelligent way.

But that, of course, is quite unlikely to happen. Unless the real, collective conscience of what formed Google steps up; the one that had people walking out on injustice to women, as well as other issues.

As always, time will tell.

See Also:

Which Countries Are Responsible For The Most Carbon Emissions, Mapped

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