

Friday, February 1, 2019

Why Must The Working Majority Be Made To Keep Up With The Machines

Just for the profit benefit of the few. Making us pay, over and over again, for the knowledge, and training, that society itself makes possible in the first place. Because, of course, that is also a profit stream for them.

If we redefined work, from the ground up to handle the new electrified information environment we face now, we could eliminate the now toxic "disruptionism" that is precisely the result of mutated competition. The very kind of disruption mindset that is making stability ever more impossible with each passing month, as each greedy practitioner races to monetize theirs first, and with the most effect.

And from that point on it becomes the mindset of "to hell with human value," or of being mindful at all of the unintended side effects, as these various thrusts of endeavor run into, and over, and all around, not only the intents of a bunch of greedy "others" (confounding, confusing, or leveraging, everybody else's efforts, but in totally unexpected ways, to make any kind of, overarching command, and control, all but impossible), but also, now, any meaningful attempt to preserve a lasting form of social cohesion impossible as well

This is important because, in redefining work, we could also, then, make the machines work for us as a whole (being able then to incorporate real, effective, integration, not only as a founding principle, but as an ongoing necessity), as well as a planet that I am very sure has had quite enough of Capitalism's "disruptions."

And make no mistake here, the choice is still yours to make. If you are willing to start taking responsibility for yourself; responsibility that clearly identifies you as someone who has the right to demand a social compact that makes sense to both Mind Meaning Space (the logical), as well as Body Meaning Space (the emotional).

Think long and hard on this. Your life, and the life of the planet depends on it.

Robots are changing the nature of work. Here's how to stay ahead

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