

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

What's Really Being Suggested, At Least In Part, Here Is the Same Fallacy Suggested In The Movie 2012

That being the notion that doing anything both immensely, technically challenging, as well as equally environmentally complex (including all of the social, and physical, systems that have to be interfaced with successfully; even as a significant combination of them all are already stressed by whatever bad situation that's creating the need in the first place), and for which a major requirement is the, always quite increasingly desperate, need for solutions capable of saving a very important part, of those very same, intermixing systems.

In this case, of course, it is the fate of large urban areas, faced with a great deal of new kinds of change now.

In the movie 2012 the problem was the need to save some fragment of society at all, given an almost completely catastrophic geophysical event. One that would leave little ground above water for a while. The solution for which was to build truly immense, virtual habitat, arcs that could hold enough genetic diversity, and material capability, to start over again with.

The time factor could be argued as considerably greater in the latter example, and the idea that panic would have automatically rained down on all if people were told the truth; and that is certainly a good possibility. It is also possible, however, that, given a lottery where every region would be guaranteed survivors on the arc if they would work the sacrifice it would take to save any at all. And given that everybody could be given as much of everything left, also by lottery, for as much fun as could be had, in mandatory spare time, maybe things could be made to be different enough, than that that old, "we'll all just die with our hands around each other throats," cliche might suggest.

Be that as it may, however, in both cases here it is suggested that the only way to do this would be to allow the rich to finance it. Because, obviously, as we are to led to believe, there would be no other choice to approach doing it other than via the system that created the problems in the first place. And because of that, also, ending up having to have the accommodations be those these people think they deserve, because they would just as obviously end up owning how it all would be run afterwards, anyway.

My contention is that it does not necessarily have to be that way. If we recognize the need to mobilize now, as if we were confronting a great new world threat, we could set working people free as they never have been before.

And let me reiterate here that this includes all folks, salaried, or hourly, working at wages up to at least $10 million a year. The real working majority of us that do not engage in investments in all their ilk: as in marketing, or banking, or speculations of various sorts of abstract instruments of debt. Systems of interaction that we needed because we needed that universal experience translator called money.

Just try to get it through your heads here, though. The electrification of experience retrieval has made that old need obsolete. We do not have to have abstract counters somewhere that have to exchange only in the sense of which server their phantom ones, and zeros, are stored on. Be sort of exchanged so that we can exchange them for the things we need, and want.

What we do have to have are new ways to think about how to manage material flows, and the application of people power, so that the mere act of participating, in your nearly self sufficient community, gives you an equal base share, of what that community is then able to support; with all of the citizenry there, participating in negotiating what are the production, and flow management priorities, for that community.

If the very rich want to continue a life within the belief system of "High Financials" Capitalism, that's fine with me. Let's work with them in figuring out how both sides can go their separate ways in an equitable, and mostly satisfactory way for both. And let's be very clear here. This would be beneficial for both sides.

I can say that because I believe that the planet itself will not be saved unless us working people are allowed to get to healing without having to let all the old problems of money get in the way. Let's take a parting tax from them and them let them do their own thing, with whatever part of the world that wants to stay with Capitalism, and use that as a resource to make our transformation go more smoothly, and cooperatively with those other folks that we will very much want to still be trading partners with (as well as ongoing participants in very important treaties that we agreed to as a nation).

We do a complete inventory, and figure out what this nation is really worth, in its totality, and then we issue a bond in that value. We give the rich a complete buyout of their holdings, minus a final separation/environmental tax, and then help them set up in an enclave, or group of enclaves, of their choice, debt free, as far as we are concerned, from that point on. We do that, and help them establish a kind of commodities, foreign currency, swap and bidding exchange, cooperative; one where we would put the entire sum of their monies into, as well as all of our gold reserves. We then negotiate a decreasing reserve requirement with them that ensures that they have to leave significant portions of their deposits as something other than the demand type. That way they don't go hog wild at the get go with new speculation for the rest of the world's economy, as well as give us an exchange system we can keep our financial commitments for the rest of the world with, as we transform into something new (trading commodities indirectly when we can't do barter directly with certain folks, for whatever reason).

And then we use that bond, from ourselves, to ourselves, to help pay for all of the things that we need a single payer for (including the differential to make everyone have a living wage). And in that payment, from ourselves, to ourselves, because the majority of us will be working, I guarantee you, it will serve to act as the servicing of that debt. Thereby, in the fifteen to twenty years this will take to work through, we all continue working as we have, getting paid, but with each servicing entitie's, controlled profit, going towards the continued creation of the counters we will soon come to see we really do not need anymore. Not if we can become as self sufficient, and sustainable as we have the knowhow to be. Even in the face of continuing disruption from a very chaotic atmospheric system, and the prodigious amounts of effort it is going to take to start getting greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. As well as the further prodigious amounts of effort it will take to start building the "New Ismus" for mass migration that this planet will need, once people can afford to start having babies, and stable families again.

Yes, this is quite a stretch of the imagination. And yes, it will be incredibly difficult to negotiate, at all levels. But if you are honest with yourself, and you look with a clear eye towards the future, how else are we to do the things that will heal the earth, and solve the great issues of inequality of material well being that predominate in most of the world today. Absolutely intolerable amounts of material deficiency between haves, and have nots. For which instability, and the desperation that goes with it, are guarantees of only more turbulence, both social, and environmental, to come.

Money will not solve this. That, in a nutshell, is my bottom line on this. It might help in transition, but it must be got rid of as a fundamental matter of survival. Because it will only make matters worse otherwise.

I Have a Feeling We’re Not in New York Anymore

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