

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Who Needs Foreign Dictators Trying To Subvert Our Democracy

When we have plenty of traitors to Democracy at home to do it for them?

One thing this makes clear, though, is how, in significant part at least, certain Republicans were able to create a situation, in various voting districts, where a rabid few could create the possibility of carrying out the new process of being "Primaried;" you know, that other, big elephant, in the room of why getting recalcitrant, former believers in "Conservatism," and compromise, to now tout policies antithetical to the core interests of our nation, by a very non representative fringe. The net effect of which has caused so much government gridlock (in conjunction, of course, with "Liberals," and the
"Progressive Left", having their own problems with compromise).

And so now virtually every Republican member of either the House, or the Senate, shakes in self serving terror at being held hostage, by this ever more boldly acting fringe, that has come to power exactly by traitorous duplicity with anyone who will share their lust for getting what they want, by whatever means is necessary.

And if that means making common cause with morally corrupt dictators (whether actively, and pointedly, coordinated, or only indirectly so) as well, so be it.  It's just no big deal for these people; just as long as they get their lusting hands on more money, and prestige, in their new gilded age of foul aristocracy.

And if you think you will be able to stop it by simply trying to do more piecemeal "Reform" of Capitalism you are sadly mistaken. Just as the last thirty to forty years of such efforts have also clearly shown.

Money is absolutely not the root of all evil. Human frailty is. But saying that does not change the fact that nothing creates a hothouse environment for corruptive influence, into that frailty, more than an economic operating system so hopelessly out of date as this one is. So out of date and corruptible precisely because it wasn't ever meant to handle the changes that the electric amplification of everything has brought to all of the technological extensions of our faculties; precisely the situation that is referred to when one utters the phrase "amazing new instrumentality."

Change is coming. Change you cannot stop with money alone. Change that thinking with money alone got us into in the first place. And until we recognize that sad fact we will continue to frustrate ourselves into total annihilation.

Key witness testifies to tampering with absentee ballots in N.C, House race

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