

Saturday, February 16, 2019

What If His Own Contradictions Of "Emergency" Aren't Enough?

Even though, obviously, they should be. As it clearly came out of his own mouth yesterday, as well as having been amply demonstrated by his own administration's lackadaisical approach to the matter, in real legislative terms, over the past two years.

What if Chief Justice Roberts doesn't rise above interest group ideology, and vote like a true jurist? You know... In the way where you don't try to twist an obvious tear into the Constitution, with tortured, B.S. leagelease, to provide even a pathetic attempt at justification; which recent nominees might be a great deal more inclined to do?

What if money, and people who know no limits, find a way to use that money to get to any of the "packed conservative majority." And they, like the spineless Republican majority in the Senate, vote their sole self interest in staying in those nice, cushy, positions of power (because of the "primary threat," for the legislators certainly, but just because they can't remove you from a judicial office doesn't mean they can't get to you in other ways; especially via your family, and children, and what might be denied to them, let alone done to them, down the road). The very majority that the day before the rose garden grotesquery, that a very sick person put forth, warned the President not to do what he did, but went ahead and cowarded out anyway, the day of that debacle, to suddenly reverse, again, and support him.

What will all of the "Liberals," and the still sane "Conservatives," and even the supposed "Progressives," who think that Capitalism can be saved; what will all of these folks do when our demented "Clown Car Driver-n-Chief" gets his carte blanche ability to declare whatever supposed "National Emergency" he wants to declare. Now, of course, that his best buddies are just dictators, quite adept at whatever kinds of brutality, and villainy, it takes to suppress dissent, and crush all opposition.

What will they do?

Even more importantly, what will you do?

Will you still do nothing as, whatever the foreign power de jour is, using whatever flattery, for a child, that it takes, in this deeply flawed man, occupies this nation just as if they had landed an occupying army. Handing our beautiful experiment in Democracy over to these monsters on the cheap?

Think it possible folks. If not this time around, then the next one. Because there is sure to be a next one, if this one doesn't do it. If for no other reason than the merchants of the "Commoditization of Conflict," will need to egg it on because that is what they must do to keep their very questionable brand of notoriety going.

Make no mistake here. He will try to bring this to whatever kind of cataclysmic conclusion he can conjure to make everybody else blink first. Or catch them apathetic enough, asleep at the switch enough, or just comfortable enough, to not want to be bothered in any case.

Do you think Wall Street will care, as long as stability can be imposed, one way or another?

As always, time will tell.

How The President Donald Trump Administration Is Bucking The Legal Process -- All In

See Also:
Ret. Lt Col To GOP -- Confronting Trump Is Not Omaha Beach On D-Day -- The Beat With Ari Melber

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