

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Commoditization Of Conflict

The monetization of which, certainly, provides most of the real, self serving motivation that these people try to portray as conviction based advocacy; knowing full well that certain demographic groups are easy pickings for fear mongering, and manipulation.

In that context, it doesn't matter who you pit against who, to these people, just as long as you can get sufficient numbers enraged up enough to buy whatever they have to sell; which is both a continuing brand as "relevant, controversial persons of note," as well as the books, the seminars, and paid speaking engagements, that earn these people incomes that you'd think would make anybody suspicious, let alone the usual lower income folks that they like to prey upon.

As such, you can see why it matters very little to them that ordinary working people are the ones who are hurt the most here, when they get their "shutdowns."

And the best part of this absurdist, theatre of distraction, is that it makes it all the more likely to keep "Business as usual" going; precisely because it keeps those at the bottom, and the middle, at odds with each other so they can't realize their own common ground here. That they are being played by a mutated system that is not only patently not sustainable, it is one that is making us all sick of spirit, mental and physical health, as well as being threatened by a planet that will have no more of flagrant, individual disregard, of the limits of complex systems, and their carrying capacities.

Make no mistake here. You let all of this continue at your great peril. And you can do this just by continuing to do nothing but what you have been doing, in just trying to get by as best you can now. Understandable though that is, it is only going to make the final rupture, of so many energizing fault lines, inevitable.

We have a window of opportunity still open to us to act. It will just take the choices of a lot of people finally coming to the necessary conclusion that we must start over with something completely new. Something working folks themselves are front and center in determining the shape of. And, in my view, that is going to take something along the lines of the "Grand Compromise" that I have been proposing for several years now. A compromise worked out by a new coalition of the Libertarian Right, and the truly Progressive Left, with what I have been posting in Google Blogs, for the last few years, as simply a starting point with which to begin the discussions.

And all I ask is that you take some time and read back into the posts here, and on the "Containers of Containers..." Cosmolosophy Google Blog. Read as many as you can possibly stand, and then make up your own mind. I don't expect you to agree with me, but I am hoping you will at least get in the habit of asking deeper questions, and then always be trying to find common ground, with all of your neighbors, so that we can have a chance to keep this wonderful experiment in Democracy going.

Fox News keeps forcing Trump into shutdowns

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