

Saturday, February 9, 2019

This Is The Kind Of War You Get

When the supposed gods of mount Olympi-Rich get after each other. So don't waste too many crocodile tears, or brain cells on it, or either side here.

In fact, as this sort of thing goes, the amount of actual, cross purpose effort, and things done in direction opposition to each other goes (as in where financial titans, tech titans, or Criminal Capitalists generally, want to make money in diametrically opposed fashions -- whatever the relative merits of any of their endeavors, and they end up having the economy spinning its wheels a hell of a lot faster, without actually getting anywhere towards the betterment of the rest of us), this does little more than just make the information sphere a bit more distractedly irrelevant; when, of course, a great deal of that sort of thing is already being done.

The one good thing here, though, is that it does also illustrate why information, as commodity, as well as identity as branding, makes absolutely no sense to a society that wants to value both Democracy, as well as a workably balanced way, for whatever group of folks, to negotiate what is collective truth, at any given moment; why any of that is made to be virtually impossible when "truth" can be purchased by the right competitor, with the best applied pile of abstract counters, in which to make their truth the more dominant.

Everything else, in these excited recitations, of big names doing ugly, and salacious, things, is just so much more bad entertainment to binge watch on. Certainly you should expect any number of streaming big shots to announce functionalized, content spin-offs, very soon now.

More depressing, though, will be how undoubtedly popular these spin-offs will be. And these two guys brands will probably only flourish, in net effect, as a result; playing to whatever susceptible, or active core constituency, they already have. After all, look how the "Brand" of Nacro Drug Lord grew on Netflix, and this only after the popularity of one Tony Soprano on another content creator/provider.

A Scandal For The Ages, Even During President Donald Trump’s Presidency | Deadline

See Also:
Saudi Media Blitz Could Explain Devotion Of National Enquirer-AMI -- Rachel Maddow


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