

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

With Capitalism

And guess what folks. Eventually has arrived. As it always does. Rather rudely when you ignore what's going on around you for as long as we have.

Do you really think continuing with "Business As Usual" is going to make this better?

It's time to face facts. And the simple fact is that a cost based, hyper consumption, and over amplified want, formed, way of operating, cannot address what must be done to heal not only the planet, but us as well. Especially when that system provides less and less of what we really need, in the terms that show we all matter; that we all have meaning, and purpose beyond what a market can get out of our, silent capitulation. Our surrender to the distracting addictions that keep us running on that ever more painful treadmill to nowhere.

Only we can do that as a people. As an act of loving will, as opposed to appeals to narrow self interest, with only abstract counters to act as incentives.

In other words, we have to decide to do it, Because it is not only necessary for our survival, but because it is an act true to what we aspire to, both morally, and spiritually. Both in the sense of a Higher Power, but to a Higher Purpose, as well.

The details of what this will be have to be negotiated. Between both the Right, and the Left, of the political spectrum. This is why I have been calling for a "Grand Compromise," emphasising the Libertarian Right, and the truly Progressive Left, as the starting points, to try and work a solution that could be tolerable to enough for both sides of the middle, to work a majority. Understanding that both sides are going to have to come to terms with the idea that "half a loaf, is better than no loaf at all."

Obviously this is not going to be easy. But compared to what is coming I can assure you that it will be the vastly superior choice. And make no mistake, the choice is yours.

What are you going to do about it?

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