

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Which Is More Important To You

-- Money, and the power it buys, Or the preservation of life, and the loving social institutions that make a life that we can all love in?

It gets real simple folks when you see abject corruption on this level of "we don't have to care any more." When supposed, former "Statesmen," gleefully acknowledge the degree to which their corrupted sense of "the rule of law" has come to. And it just doesn't matter to them now that they have trashed once, sort of above it all, institutions.

What you have to understand now is that ordinary "election" politics no longer has any validity at all any more. It is, and has been, so saturated with money, and for so long now, that to think you might extricate it's influence via the same corrupted system, is ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous.

The only way you are going to make this stop is to stop participating in the whole farce in the first place, and by that I mean that all, non essential services workers, take to the streets, peacefully, but determined, in comprehensive, across the boards of the entire economy, work stoppages. As well as to say stop paying on all student debt. mortgage debt, and credit card debt.

I can assure you, that if enough of us do that, it won't matter how many congressional districts they've managed to corrupt the voting process in, they will be forced to negotiate with us. It is just that simple.

Easy to call for, I know; Even as I also know what kind of sacrifice that would require of a lot of people already having difficulty making ends meet now. I live that difficult life myself as I write this, trying to live on my net $1,300 a month SSI payment, and navigate nagging physical ailments, while still trying to help my friend Kathleen navigate her's (my being here is a big part of how she can stay in her home now because of her current physical limitations; which is part of why I get a break on the rent).

Hard as this will be to do, though, it is as nothing compared to how hard life is going to become if we do nothing to stop these greed fueled idiots from taking us all down in an orgy of violent chaos, as they ignore the pain the entire planet is drowning in now.

Selfishness. Meaninglessness. No respect for either a "Higher Power," or a "Higher Purpose." And just the command to consume ever more mindlessly, to keep the ever more absurd ability to produce, mostly empty things, going; distracting, bingworthy, and addicting as possible, to fill this amplified want. And most importantly, preserve old, established power dynasties, as well as to give new opportunities to upstart newbies, of course. And to keep you from thinking you even have the right to ask for such relief.

The choice is still yours to make. What will you do while you still can. That is what you must decide now.

The Supreme Court knows the citizenship census question is likely bogus. It doesn't care.

Mitch Mcconnell's Hypocrisy On Considering Judge Nominations In A Presidents Last Year In Office

See Also:

All-American Despair


IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity

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