

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Mutually Exacerbating Contradictions Of Electrified Capitalism

The peasants should be able to buy things, right? Or maybe not?

IPOs as an investment process are good for the economy, right? Or maybe Not?

Interest Free Money Is Over because it should be over, right? Or maybe not?

And you should park your money into something safe, with a decent return, right? Or maybe Not?

And just because we keep doing silly things (poisoning natural, trade, and social environments, to the point of "usque ad vomitum satiata est ad mortem")  with all of the many complex systems we've been created by, as well as the ones we've created for ourselves, it's no big deal in the long run, right? Or Maybe not?

It's nice to think that the peasants should be able to buy things. Pesky part about that, though, is figuring out who gets stuck with the bill to pay for that largess. But wait a second... Isn't money just information now? No? Are you really certain about that?

IPOs always used to be a good deal. It really was a Democratization of productive factors to a significant degree. But then people like the Zuck, or the Mighty Musk, wouldn't have access to all of their individual rights to run things into the ground. as all the Higher Powers, or Higher Purposes, gave them the manifest destiny to do, as they see fit. And there are a lot of pretenders out there for that role. And not only do they all so value keeping their information to themselves, as you might imagine they would be, as they do their work, in secret, they just can't help but end up doing things in diametric opposition, at least on a fairly recurring basis, to the efforts of most of the rest of the stakeholders, in this ever burgeoning, cluster intercourse of chaos.

And lastly, as ought to be obvious now, money isn't just information anymore. It has, in fact, become as electrons themselves; becoming almost another elemental intent all its own, only in this instance it is bent on only two things: to remove all restive obstacles, and keep accelerating to the full potential of the speed of light. None of which, of course, is very helpful if you just want to live a life that has a chance of balancing love, and practicality, so that ever increasingly complex, lovingly practical, and practically loving, structure can be made to be a part of all life prospering into the future.

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