

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Geoengineering Might Be More Palatable If It Involved Much Less Invasive Methods

A notion that harkens back to my contention that, if you intend to dial an effect up to influence, one would hope temporarily, the amount of sunlight striking the surface, you should also have a way to dial it back down again; on an at least a reasonably, timely, basis.

This is why it is my belief that very large, lighter than air constructs would be the way to proceed. And as approaches to that sort of thing go, using my idea of segmented lift columns (to lift the weight of the guy wiring) utilizing the simple lifting primitive of a doughnut shaped enclosure (to contain the lift gas bladders), is ideal for that; both because they represent easy to construct assembly modules (the doughnut itself, as well as the sparse weaved, tube sock type of connecting pipe that would go from center hole to center hole of one doughnut to the next) but also because the idea here would be to simply create a floating, flexible mat at the very top of an array of such segmented, support tubes. A mat that can then support both reflectors, and solar collectors; which themselves might be made to be shuttered, so to speak, as needed, and opened when the need lessens.

Setting up the infrastructure to assemble, deliver, and support such large constructs, on the other hand is not so simple. Not so simple from a standpoint of material supply. From the standpoint of delivery logistics. Nor of initial assembly. All because you would have to be able to make these on at least the basis of mile on a side cubes, or something nearly that, and have them flown (this is where my Hybrid Dirigible Blimp units come into play) to where they would be assembled in place, stacking as you go.

The other nice benefit here is that you may well also be able to cover that "sparsely weaved tube sock", where desired, so as to use it as an actual pipe; a heat pipe in fact, bringing cold air down from high altitude, because you might also be able to put electric fans in the center holes of the lift doughnuts.

That being said, though, doesn't preclude either the very challenging engineering required to tie these segmented columns into cubes of whatever size, nor the previously mentioned supply, delivery, and construction problems. And make no mistake, these will be considerable.

This is just part of the reason why it is so important to start mobilizing the country now. To start setting up to do the many, "Three Gorges Dams" sized projects that this would only be one of.

After all, we will need the hemp, or whatever other natural fiber we can grow, to capture carbon, and then use to build the vast array of sea based Yen Tornado, Wind Turbines, as well as the floating habitat structures, and the floating seawalls to protect them, for all of the people who will come to live in the new floating cities, to support all of of the Hydrogen production we will need to power our new efforts, but also, quite likely, to help provide the truly massive amounts of lift gas we will need beyond just helium (using hydrogen only, perhaps, at the altitudes where the likelihood of combustion starts becoming minimal).

And then there will be all of the new desalination plants (or other alternatives because dealing with the salt will become an issue too) we will need. And all of the vast new piping to get it where it is needed; making things grow where they have never grown before (and perhaps also then tackling the hidden reservoirs of Methane, as in Siberia to get new living space, and prevent more bad, greenhouse gas inputs). And then the further sea based construction of a Hyper tube, under water, suspended tunnel, with which to do the truly industrial sized through-puts (I used to think that 100 tons a launch, every hour, 24/7 would do it, but now I think we'd need something more on the order of 500 to 1000 tons, every hour, 24/7) we will need in getting things launched to the new, Lunar Transfer station we will also have to build; because we'll need that to support the massive lunar cities we will also need to build; so that follow on habitat construction can begin for the huge number of Dyson, Pinky Finger Rings (as opposed to full Dyson rings, or spheres), starting perhaps with the diameter of the moon as a size standard, and getting to the diameter of the earth once we get the bugs out; with these ring habitats then spaced evenly in orbits around the sun.

So much to do and so little time left to get it done. It is truly time to wake the hell up and get started here. To put our differences aside for awhile for a higher purpose: The Very Survival of our species, as well as the rest of life on this planet. Is that not worth whatever difficulty we encounter along the way? Is there any way any of us can morally ignore this call to action? Can even a Higher Power ignore this need?

A last-ditch global warming fix -- A man-made 'volcanic' eruption

See Also:

When Climate Change Starts Wars

A Brutal Side-By-Side Of US Politicians Punting On Climate Change While Global Average Temperatures Steadily Rise

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