

Saturday, July 7, 2018

And Now A Dangerous Competition Becomes Outright War

So far, luckily, we're shooting only imposed price penalties, and things bought, or not bought, at each other. But that doesn't mean there won't be casualties to follow, though, within the collateral damage of who gets caught in the economic crossfire, on either side. And on that I think we can be assured of some pretty significant probabilities for this to hurt working people on both sides, because what starts as BS at the top of one political hierarchy so often ends up becoming the poop that rolls down hill for the rest of us to have to deal with.

The real, terrible potential, here is that the harm this ultimately causes to the working people that some leaders pretend they are the champions of, will be twisted around, by outright lying naturally, to be the work of our supposed competitors, when it was, in fact because some leadership regimes can't seem to do anything but shoot themselves in the foot, or their own ass, or whatever. But they will try to twist it around, and they will try to make the very working people this affects think that it is all the fault of the other guy, when it's really a dance to death com 1 that didn't need to start in the first place.

Even sadder still, though, is the knowledge that these competitions don't have to be nearly so dangerous at all if we could only realize that the economic operating system everybody is relying on now is the real problem. Not that every nation needs stuff and has to find ways to get it, but that huge sums of money must be made in the process as well; and most usually for the benefit of a very few; who, interestingly enough, are the very super rich one particular leader claims to be a master "dealer" in. A leader who also seems to be able to get capital now only from one prominent source of "Criminal Capitalism Inc."

Wouldn't it be interesting if we could just do cooperating in helping each other get the things we all need? You do one thing really well, and we do another well, and we could trade these things to both or our benefits. We could also partner on better ways to make a cleaner fuel. We could partner on how to create a means tested, world logistics system that could get what everybody was good at making to everybody else who was good at making other things, so that everybody could trade more. And you could also make it possible for a person to do "voting with their feet" a practical matter. One where, because we decided to also cooperate on creating new habitat, we could find, much more easily, new places for displaced people to go, so that they too could help in doing the other things we desperately need to do if we are all to survive at all. Something else you'd think we'd be a little more concerned about now than just pandering to "Standing Tough On Trade," or "Making America Strong Again," with more weapons, when you can't shoot your way out of a planet dying out from under you. All of this if money wasn't involved, and we could figure out a new way to redefine work.

Just more things to think about as you approach what will become some of the biggest decisions of not only your life, but the life of this nation, and of the rest of the nations on this planet. Think it through carefully folks. We really do have a lot riding on what happens in the next 2 years.

China deploys army of farmers in tit-for-tat trade war with U.S.

See Also:
new nuclear weapons spending proposals

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