

Thursday, June 28, 2018

If You Are Not Talking True Revolution You Are Trying To Fool Yourself

Fool yourself into thinking that further, insane, commoditizing can be made humanistic in an ever more competitive race to control the main channel, whatever channel that evolves to be, to the brain of each individual working class consumer (salaried or hourly). What the Marxists used to call the "lumpenproletariat." And whether that competition is to further just more economic power, or political, or ideological power in general, hardly matters. Controlled consumption of something is what is at stake here; consumption not done by any form of real, "informed" consent. Because money has been electrified, along with information, and it moves now as electrons do, at the command of algorithms written with ever less human intervention, because human intervention is too slow; and because electrons are always seeking the path of least resistance.

It seems to me that it is much like the absurd notion that Liberals still have that Capitalism itself can be saved if only we had the right legislation to do it with; which of course you can never have be created inside the very system that will never allow itself to be changed too much. Not if we stay with an absurdly outdated operating system in any case.

This is also another example of how no real change can occur if you don't first stop "Business As Usual" at its very source. Because you have to start over in order to fundamentally change all of the assumptions available to start figuring out a new, and better alternative. An alternative that can be designed from scratch to address the realities of much more powerful new means to instrumentality; new ways to ways to see, envision, and effect. So powerful, in fact, that allowing their use, willy nilly, according the whims and wishes of a very few, can no longer be tolerated by life in general, the planet as that life evolved to know it, and the rest of us.

The individual has rights. There can be no doubt about this. But the rest of everything else has rights too. And now we must figure out a way to balance these things on an ongoing basis. Through perhaps what will be at least a century of great difficulty for the entire world. And that's assuming we get the world organized to start doing something about the coming catastrophes. Because if we do not act soon irreversible changes may happen to too many critical circulation systems. And that will be the end of us.

I have outline a starting point for this debate. But let's first accept that we absolutely must have this debate as a Nation, and as a world population. We can go from there after that if you like.


Smartphones were once the best thing to happen to the tech industry — and for a while, it seemed, to all of us, too.

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