Friday, October 18, 2019

The Two Party System In America Has Exhausted Us, And Itself, To A Breaking Point

Trying to live up to the dictum of an old joke, told a new way; as in:

"Hey there, big swinging dick, is that your bank role in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me, and my irresistibly naughty, new, money maker. One I'd be so happy to shake things up with, anyway you like."

And this goes far beyond the difficulty, this binary only system, has had in dealing with the campaign financing merry go round (now that both sides embrace dark money, and even as a good number of Progressive Liberals, of any note, are rich), getting to the core of greed inherent in the profiteering of those who feel, automatically, that manifest destiny, and making money, go hand in hand; so much so that self entitled privilege becomes its own, self perpetuating, vicious circle. A circle that then, must quite naturally turn in a place "above the law," which for everyone else, certainly, still relies on the access to a well funded team of legal tallent, with the right judges paid for via the right, demographically manipulated, districts; because that is what a mutated form of Capitalism does when it turns everything, with electrified magic, into a commodity.

This goes to the very bedrock of why the bad actors we are faced with now are merely symptoms of a much larger malady. Not to say that the symptoms aren't important, mind you, and still need to be dealt with (which may have a ray of hope now of actually occurring with the Mulvaney press conference), but to make clear that, big as those problems still are, it still doesn't get us to how to deal with the core problems. The very core problems that will only create more of these very bad actors.

It has also exhausted itself, and us, because the two sides can see things now only in terms of "anything the other side wins", is a an automatic loss for the opposing side. So each acts to fight, and sabotage, the efforts of the other, regardless of whether it might help the rest of us or not. Even to the point of using economic decisions, as weapons, to do actual economic damage (as in not only opportunistic capital flight, punitive placement of productive physical assets, and even aggressive currency speculations, but also with strikes, as well as general civil disobedience, to thwart certain economic activities, and even outright, physical damage, to key assets ) so as to make voters suffer for thinking they can challenge their economic betters, or the perceived moral imperatives, of very aggressive, environmental warriors (being a warrior of the heart is where the balance thing comes in, so as to not go too far in either direction).

And lastly, of course, is the fact that, by its very obsolescence, Capitalism's remaining proponents are running out of ideas to try and change it; at least for ideas that would ever have any hope of playing successfully to both sides of the political divide, as well as actually solving core issues. Nothing can be seen in a new way because everything must be seen, first and foremost, as it plays through the dictating lens of a cost based economy, and that, as already stated, everything is something that can, ultimately, be bought, and paid for, and held for private gain only. No matter how important it might be for the general public good.

With what we have to heal now, and the mind bending effort it is going to take, to have any chance of applying enough heal in time to make a difference, asking how much it will cost is like asking how long it will take. And just as you have to say, sometimes, that "it will take as long as it needs to take," so must you also say. "it will require whatever the effort, in the end, that it has to require, in order to get it done. Which then still leaves you with trying to address the hassle of arguing about who is going to be responsible for paying in the first place. The squabbling for which, so far, certainly, has marked much of the destructive codependency inherent in the ineffectiveness of our Two Party system.

Most of the very rich have already demonstrated that they don't think anything needs to be healed at all. And with the power, privilege, and the oh so luxurious, protective bubble, that has been afforded them, you can understand why. That leaves only working people left to do the healing, even if we can find a way to tolerate each other, and design a compromise alternative.

So the only question left for folks is, in my, quite admittedly, biased opinion, is this:

Is being rich, or at least the possibility of getting rich, more important to you than preserving life, and community?

If it is then maybe it's time for us all to recognize this split and negotiate a pain sharing way to separate amicably. That way the rich, and the rich wanna be, can go play at what they do best, while the rest of working American gets back to the basics of making both loving,and practical community work, while also working to fix the bad that has been done over several hundreds of years of Capitalistic neglect. And doing that because we won't be able to accomplish the first goals just stated if we do not.

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