I think the majority of folks, in the Pacific Northwest in general, would agree that needed change is upon us. We have great issues, after all, that have been allowed to go festering for far too long. The problem here is that not only can't Socialism fix Capitalism (especially from the inside out), Liberalism cannot fix Capitalism either. Nothing can fix it. Not even if all of the biggest names in tech and science got together and tried to work a Manhattan project on it to do so. And certainly not in the time frame we have left, even if they found alien tech hidden by the government, as a lot of conspiracy hacks like to keep prattling on about (right now, with the priorities we face, who cares if there are aliens or not? If there are, and there certainly might be, even if its a low probability, they haven't shown much inclination to help us. So I would submit to you, what the intercourse good are they too us now?) for far too long.
The other part of this that both sides miss is that we must try to work a "Grand Compromise" between the Right and the Left. And the only way that has made any sense to me, over the years as I have considered this, is to do it as a bargain between the two extremes of both sides; because if those two can strike a compromise, based on the foundation of a new way of considering our place in the universe, than what is the middle going to do if the extremes are the ones sounding reasonable over working together? I believe my outline of an alternative provides a template with which to begin to accomplish this.
What do you think?
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