

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Danger of Continuing With Dangerous Competitions

I have talked a lot about "Dangerous Competitions" in my Google Blogs ("And Now A Dangerous Competition Becomes Outright War", "Already So Many Dangerous Competitions With Other Nations", "Yes, We Are In Dangerous Competitions With Other Foreign Powers", to just list a few) in the past because I believe it to be a very important way to see how Capitalism has become unacceptable now; precisely because the electrification of it has not only sped it up beyond all human comprehension, it has allowed the unprecedented manipulation of all of our base instincts; so much so as to turn reality itself completely inside out, so that fantasy, and impulse rule more than the rule of law, or so it would seem.

The juxtaposition in the header graphic here is meant to try and illustrate just how complexly interrelated they have all become, with so much of whatever bad happens, affecting everything else we have; inside us and outside us.

This is why a major biological event can exacerbate an already simmering energy situation. Or a new arms race can exacerbate the broken system we now have for not only deciding what is a priority, but which competitor might have the best solution to address that priority, with all of them trying to spread the pork around as much as they can.

The upshot is that jobs might still get created, and the economy might seem to be running strong, but underneath is nothing but rot, bad things happening to innocent people, and a solution that may be making a few people a lot of money, but in actual fact, does nothing to either address the immediate priority (poorly chosen though it might be), or seek to ask the deeper question as to whether we should have been seeking negotiations in the first place, so as to obviate what might already be an out of control race to dominate in a particular aspect of one of these competitions (as in re energizing not only arms control in general, but nuclear arms in particular, before we let a bad contract out on that one too; or create more weapons we don't keep track of, or maintain properly). 

Never lose sight, however, on the bottom line fact that, with this automatically becoming a zero sum game, dominance has to also become the ultimate goal of all the major players. What else would you expect when major economic memes have remained around "Disruption," and "Swimming With Sharks." From which follows, certainly, the inescapable conclusion that you are either going to have be predator, or prey.

This might have been a workable way to do things a few hundred years ago, but is exactly not what is going to work now. Now we must pivot away from the tribalism this stems from, and seek out the re defined economics, and definitions of work, that will demand cooperation, and a dynamic balance, to make that cooperation possible.

The choice is yours dear reader. Yours and the neighbors around you. The only question remaining is whether you will wake up soon enough to realize that our current leaders aren't going to give us this choice. We have to organize; take responsibility for ourselves, and demand a completely new way to go about an equitable deal for all working people.

I'd like to think my alternative is a way to do that. Even if it isn't, though, doesn't change the fact that we will still need one. So if not mine, will you come up with a better one? Because if you did it would be just fine with me. Either way, an alternative is the only thing that is going to save us. And a lot of approaching tipping points are screaming out the fact that we are rapidly running out of time.

Why This Oil Crash Is Different

See Also:
How Working-Class Life Is Killing Americans, in Charts

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