

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Everything Is A Potential Commodity In Capitalism

That is its strength, and it's terrible power now.

And when I say everything, I mean everything to our great peril.

The building blocks of life. Ideas. Everyday people. Legislators. Entire Institutions. Even Presidents, this nation's military might, and what constitutes accepted social reality.

And now that "Capitalism Mutated" has been given virtually unlimited power via electrons, photons, and self sustaining, iterative, information, and material, flow processes; whether you call them simply algorithms, or integrated collections of same, as various forms of reasoning engines, to the point of maybe even one day becoming true AI; now that you've given it all that, you have made it be the ever more accelerating force behind our current death spiral of ever more cutthroat competition. Spread out across all aspects of life precisely because all of life is now a commodity; something with which the commodity powerful can do whatever the hell they want to with, assuming they can control enough of it before the other guy does.

Which is why, unfortunately, there won't long be human agency behind any part of trying to control things, however illusory that control may have been in the first place, chaotic as its become with so many actors acting away for their own purposes. A new kind of control that might be way more frightening precisely because the AI will be able to work it's new form of reasoning without any human input at all. And who's to say what value we will have then.

Given all of this it is surprising to me just how surprising this sell out is to Liberals, and Conservatives, who still think in terms of higher human aspirations. And that they still think there should be these silly notion of human right, and wrong. When, in fact, all there really is is what you can get away with, and the power gained from taking that risk.

Come on guys. This is not the age any more of worrying about "Growing Up Absurd." This is now the age of the "Absurdity of Growing Up" at all.

After all, if you can sell out life itself for a bigger profit margin what small step must it take to sell out your country? Just like how easy it is to to sell people on the cheap when you've gotten to the point where you don't see people anymore at all; only untapped resource that needs to be put into the proper restraints of total control; maximizing various combinations of positive, and negative, reinforcements, as required.

If the majority of us are OK with all of this newfound zeal for "The Hard Sell," however it needs to be used, as well as with the mutated thing that makes it all possible, then perhaps the rude awakening that's coming for us all will truly be justice finally served.

I still have resolute faith that this is not true, and that enough of us will wake up in time to take it all back, so that we can be responsible for ourselves for once. To then do the hard things, compromising, and sacrificing, that will have to be done to heal us and the planet.

Time will tell.

Images Of Selling Out Our Country

Images Of Doing What It Takes

Images Of Selling Off Our Most Sacred Values

See Also

Welcome to the 'Airbnb for Everything' Age

Real estate sales sink as foreign buyers shy away from shaky political climate in U.S.

Trolls for hire -- Russia's freelance disinformation firms offer propaganda with a professional touch


''It’s Very Unethical'' -- Audio Shows Hospital Kept Vegetative Patient on Life Support to Boost Survival Rates

The Tenets of Cosmolosophy Continued--The Immorality of the Hard Sell

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