

Monday, June 17, 2019

Perhaps Now You Are Beginning To Understand Just How Urgent This Has Always been

Now, if we can only get you all to also realize the futility of trying to address this in any way that does not also recognize the other, quite plain truth: That the planet will not be healed by sticking with the economic operating system that created the problem in the first place.

No, the only way we we have any hope of succeeding here is by mobilizing the entire nation; just as if this were a great threat to our very existence that, say, a Fascist, authoritarian power, or Imperial power, might be attempting to do to take us down (without calling it another "war on" thing, because we all know how corrupted that way of doing things became -- precisely because of greed and the lust for power). And we have to do that as we also seek to find a better alternative to the corrupted, now mutated, system that got us here in the first place. Something that I believe will have to be a great deal more than just a "Green New Deal," that everyone knows won't be enacted anyway, even if the Dems retake the White House.

I have outlined, in these Google Blog posts, not only a place to start negotiating an alternative, but also the technologies we will need to provide an actual means to effectively address several main problems, including the heat one that cities are absolutely going to be facing; coming danger close in much shorter time frames than we've been led to believe so far. Technologies such as my approach to "Very Large Scale, Lighter Than Air, Constructs," that would give cities the best tool, given the time we have left, to provide not only shade for large metropolitan areas, but maybe even cooling air, from very high altitudes, as well.

Mind you, this will still be a very challenging, Aerospace engineering project, stretching what we are able to do with lightweight, extra strong materials, but that, difficult though it will be, is as nothing as compared to the overall scope, and size, of such an undertaking; assuming we do it as the broad based, include as much of the rest of world in the project as we can, undertaking it should be. Something that will require a build up of infrastructure for not only the production of such very large structures, but for their ongoing operation, and maintenance. All while we must also restructure the very nature of work, and how we will all integrate with it, and still preserve Democratic rule, in the process (information simply cannot also be money, if you want to have any hope for the free flow of it; and thusly the better chance for truly informed consent that, more and more, we must have with such new, and powerful abilities. to go with the profound choice that is the act of voting).

And if that weren't difficult enough, you also have to remember that such undertakings require significant leed times just to properly define, and plan for, much less begin the actual work, that a final plan might require.

This is also why we must also recognize that, just as doing "Business as Usual" is no longer valid, so is doing "Politics as Usual." Which means that we simply do not have time for another four and a half year repeat of changing the individuals, in various stations of power, to great fervor, and distraction, and more rules broken, just to still end up with so little, of practical benefit, being accomplished as a result.

Simply put, we must stop participating nearly as much, and start demanding a great deal more. After all, if the rules do not apply for the powerful any more, why should they still be so restrictive for you; understanding that our resistance must still be bound by peaceful, civil disobedience as the one rule we must try to never break.

Organize in every neighborhood. Then talk to the other neighborhoods. Stop paying student debt as a massive group. Stop paying insufferable rents, as a massive group. Stop buying anything you can get at a second hand store instead. Start making more of what you want by first turning off the "mediated want, amplification environment" around you, and then finding what you'd really wouldn't mind making yourself. It is something that will not only stretch you in better ways, it will empower you.

Without swift action on climate change, heat waves could kill thousands in U.S. cities

Greenland lost 2 billion tons of ice this week, which is very unusual

See also:

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