

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Right To Strike

Use it while you still can.

And not just as limited sets of skill commodities. Commodities for which money always seeks to give them more options; the very options with which to beat you down with; as in cheaper, as well as more compliant, options. No matter what it costs us in "Burn Outs," or "Suicides of Professionals," or the slower, addictive deaths, that are the main, affordable, options for the rest of us; and finally, of course, the "Rage Bombs" that are going off now, more and more, from individuals who have taken to one of the most terrible, new kinds of notoriety, that we've ever come up with, in our "Big Event" pumped, ever more monetized, mutation of "Informing the Public." Taken to it because the rage glories in the body count, as one last act of mindless revenge.

No. The next step will have to be a good deal more comprehensive than that. Just you be sure. Because, in the end, unless the majority of us are willing to just walk out on the madness en mass, there will be no need for them to take us seriously.

Even that demented, "Clown Car Driver," guy knows that.

Thousands of L.A. teachers to march picket lines for second day

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