

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Appreciate This Cold While You Still Can

Do it because this is cold that is not coming back to the North Pole any time soon.

Not unless, of course, we recognize the fundamental risk to our continued existence that this portends.

Cold that has to go down to meet the hot accumulated in the Southern Hemisphere, by the very dictates of thermodynamics. Even as its Pole suffers more direct sunlight melting of its ice. Which means, if you haven't been paying attention, that the South Pole's ability to send us cold back, when we are back in more direct contact with the sun, will be that much more diminished as well. As we too have the ice at our pole melt even more. And thus replay the same cycle of less return, all over again.

These, ever greater transfers of energy, to seek equilibrium, that is extreme weather, will most likely not continue indefinitely. Precisely because hot, as the general new equilibrium, will be the most probable outcome of this kind of weather. And so circulation patterns in the two major fluid systems of the earth (the atmosphere, and the oceans) will change about as drastically as it is possible for such systems to change. And I can guarantee you that this will be anything but helpful to most of the life that has developed, over the past many hundreds of thousands of years at the very least.

This is going to happen regardless of who is president. Regardless of which political party is in power. Regardless of who has the biggest stash of cash, most powerful economic conglomerate, or biggest and baddest military.

And the really scary thing here is this: even if we were to find a way (and I have) to organize ourselves to fend off this coming disaster, we will have to keep putting new cold into the system, on a vastly grand scale (which is precisely why money will only get in the way), that it will also guarantee that severe weather will have to be made to stay in place, for as long as it takes to get the greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, in the extreme concentrations that they are now in.

Knowing that, and knowing that Capitalism, even if it weren't severely mutated by the advent of electrified experience retrieval, survives on dependable stability, and as much certainty as such stability can create; knowing all of that, how can anyone think that it will be able to handle the great dislocations and disruptions that are coming if all major fluid systems do shut down in any major sense?

It can't, and it won't. Simple as that.

So I ask again. What are you going to do about it? Because it will come down to you. Not any of the political parties so far, or any of the voices of traditional economics. You and the people of your community; the working men and women who actually keep society going, at whatever level you care to look at. The very people who will have to also take the real responsibility of cleaning things up. The kind of full responsibility that we all know Capitalism is fundamentally incapable of.

Temperatures to plunge to 'historic' lows not seen in decades

See Also:


Recent Australian droughts may be the worst in 800 years

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