

Friday, December 21, 2018

Is This Another Example Of How Evil "Vertical Integration" Can Be?

[Change Note: I have added the following to the "See Also" Section at the bottom:

1:U.S. pullout from Syria will be 'trigger that blows up the region'

2:One-third of U.K. kids live in poverty — and Brexit will make things worse


Well... At least as much as "vertical integration" is now employed by Capitalism these days?

And isn't this another example of, and this is important, how a significant portion of the "gosh gee, isn't the economy doing just great now!" is actually economic activity that is quite destructive, one way or another (as it cascades out in this unbelievably complex system); and not just of social cohesion, but of economic stability itself? Dectruction, of course, that the system wouldn't know how to factor in to a better understanding of where the country is at, as it reports important data to us, as various forms of leadership is required to do; even if the powers that be were to acknowledge it as described here. Data that is supposed to be there so that everybody, not just players in the various markets, can make informed decisions.

Unfortunately, this is also where my curse of seeing too many connections in everything comes to bear. For now I can't help but also notice the unique irony of how Putin's Criminal Capitalism Inc. operation (masquerading as a Russian government) seems to have no problem at all in getting various parts of our government informing it of quite a bit of what it needs to make informed decisions.

That they are, nonetheless, still demonstrating incredibly stupid, only cements the understanding of why Putin, who you'd think would know a human resource as being too risky to exploit, or not, as they continue to double down on the process. Which is to hardly even to begin mentioning the lack of understanding of how complex systems work, that is also on display here. All combined, as the dumb ass (Putin, not the demented "Clown Car Driver") continues to poke a stick in various tender places, of a player the entire world still needs as one of the biggest consumers of all of the, mostly crap, that the world competitive, productive machine, can create now.

Whereupon I also reiterate a point I made, I think almost a year ago, that we have to be considered, at least in the most significant part, as the ones who invented "too big too fail." And certainly one need only point out that losing a very significant consumer of your one, main export product (besides weapons), oil, when there is already too much laying about, and now the prospect of a slowing world economy, to illustrate this, as far as the economy he's supposed to be focused on, his own, is concerned.

I cannot help wondering, though, if it is also ironic that he seems to be spending so much effort on informing our citizenry, and bending our popular view to his own, not really getting much of effective substance, as far as real results are concerned, on making life easier for his own economy (as the sanctions keep getting more, instead of less), and succeeding only in making everything more unstable, and turbulent (his personal satisfaction at irritating us aside). Whereupon, certainly, we are now looking at the very real prospect of a very bad, world economic meltdown, again. Only this time it might be further meltdowns as well, as the world itself burns.

I think that it may be ironic, but I'm too overcome with grief sometimes to waste too many brain cells on it. The grief, of course, being for what this is doing to not only working people here, but working people in Russia. People who are, just as the Chinese are, not our enemies; not exactly our best friends either, certainly, but that's what unbridled, cutthroat competition, on too many planes of human interaction now, will do to people. Especially when we are, by nature, so prone to fear, and more to the point, the manipulation of same.

I still have faith that a majority of us will come to realize these facts and understand just how much Capitalism being obsolete is at most of the bottom of it. The only question remaining, however, is if we will do this in time to make effective use of the new found consensus. And that means a choice facing each and every one of you. A very important choice indeed. One where doing nothing at all is probably, at least nearly, as bad as doing what the dumb asses described here have been doing.

Prime And Punishment

See Also:

One-third of U.K. kids live in poverty — and Brexit will make things worse

[Post Note: The funny, or really not so funny at all, thing here is that we could have asked Putin, and (perhaps as a bargaining chip), he might have given it to us a long time ago. And for the simple reason that, if he had any sense at all, he would have seen it as the opportunity to ditch this loser it should have been seen as; the "realpolitik" winner it would have been for all concerned. Even if unbelievably distasteful for us, and conceivably even for him, as well, depending on what was ultimately negotiated, and how much the dumb ass could actually be made to realize about the world situation right now. J.V.]

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