

Thursday, November 22, 2018

We Used To Give Thanks For Our Bounty (however illusionary).

 Now we give thanks for disaster not touching us too much this season, Even as we look for a way out.

I guess its a case of having our eyes "wide shut" for far too long. And now it has become a competition to see who can keep them shut, or pry them open, the best. A horrible competition of competing manipulations (with even myself trying to push vanity clicks into a system that refuses to hardly acknowledge my message at all  --  despite what over 25 years of intense systems analysis, and building, and repairing, some very tough situations, have given me in experience, in the very economic system I criticize now).

Perhaps it is this very sort of "shell shock," if you will, of surviving not having disaster touch you too much that puts us in a frame of mind that accepts whatever cold comfort we have now, continuously depreciated though that might be, and says, for a real case of "more's the pity," don't rock your leaking boat now, even if you do have a spare second from bailing things out as fast as you can.

I picked this list of related articles for the reason that they all flow from the questions asked by Tarence Ray, in his article, "A Way Out." And I picked his article because it really expresses the understandable frustrations of trying to fight "Big Money" as a non profit, public oriented organizing entity. Having done this sort of thing from various angles (joining the Democratic Party early on; volunteering for initiative drives, and then trying to do -- ineptly -- my own state initiatives, as well as the current quest for change that I have given myself, now that I can devote myself to it full time). After all of this, even during working full time, I can tell you I can empathize with Mr. Ray greatly. 

The problem is, as it was back a few decades when William Greider described in a series of books ("Who Will Tell The People," "Secrets Of The Temple," etc to name a few), traditional Liberalism does not work any more. And that is because "Big Money" won the class war they sought to keep the rest of us from thinking was something "reasonable" people would even want to talk about. And they won it because they will always have more money than Liberals have; not to mention the lack of moral compunction to limit themselves in what they are willing to do with that money. And so now you see a lot of electronic ink being flashed on screens indicating just how ready Liberals are now to get down and dirty with their opponents. Something I think still won't work, but even if it did, would we want to look in the mirror to see what we'd have to become to outdo these people at their own game?

The other articles are here to help show you some of the other reasons, though, why changing things is so hard. Almost impossibly hard even if "Big Money" wasn't always involved in direct opposition. The need for change, obviously, is there, that much is obvious even if the other side does deny and deny all of the time (not only because of the increasing corruption, but because so many can just not care anymore, being so high on whatever drug, be it money or some other). But changing a very complicatedly integrated complex system is no walk in the park; even if you think you really know what you are doing. And this is because the more complex a thing is, the harder it is to know just how all of the ripples that flow out from your change will affect the myriad of other subsystems that you might have no idea of, or only limited knowledge at best. A fact that gets much more exacerbated by the layers of change already imposed upon said overall system. You can, in fact, make things far worse with your change, than what the original problem was causing.

My bottom line, though, remains the same. There is a "Way Out." but it must necessarily involve a vastly comprehensive, and a totally rethought, new formulation of what a social/economic operating system should be, now that we are in the new age of electrified instrumentality; which is, I assure you, a fundamentally new operating environment.

So please. Don't just glance over these thumb nail pics. Take the time to read at least a couple of them. And think about how giving thanks the way we may be doing it now isn't going to be enough to keep this planet the living blue marble it is supposed to be. No, that is going to take some real sacrifice by all of us. And that is why I am talking about massive work stoppages all across the boards of American commercial enterprise. Because going about this from within "Business As Usual." has just become too obviously stacked against us.

What do you think?

The quick list of related articles:

1:A Way Out

2:Palm Oil Was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead It Unleashed a Catastrophe

3:“I Hereby Confess Judgment”

4:The human costs of Black Friday, explained by a former Amazon warehouse manager

5:What an unprecedented study found about 3D printing’s dangers

A Way Out

Palm Oil Was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead It Unleashed a Catastrophe

“I Hereby Confess Judgment”

The human costs of Black Friday, explained by a former Amazon warehouse manager

What an unprecedented study found about 3D printing’s dangers

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