

Friday, November 16, 2018

We Should Really Try For An Amicable Separation, But Not This One

And we could do that with a comprehensive, employee buyout. A buyout where we get to own everything together as working citizens of each community. And we could do that by issuing a bond from ourselves, to ourselves. And we would service that bond by making minimum livable wage payments to those who need it; set up a complete, single payer health care system, and provide free education to all (eliminating all debts in the process).

We would then run the economy as a managed affair, just as we did during WW2 (because we finally come to see the need for a complete mobilization), until we can do the investigation, and planning it will take to do the change to a better alternative than what we have now. One that will need only to keep track of participation, and resource flows, so that all this worry about "money" will eventually come to be seen as the foolishness it really is.

That being said, though, doesn't change the fact that he Right, and the Left, See things quite differently; something that is certainly very clear. And it would be easy to give in to our frustrations (both sides for the other), but that won't wash in the long run because a divided nation along those lines won't be able to lead the rest of the world in saving the planet, and like it or not, if we don't do it the right way (the only way it can be done in time), life as we know it is pretty much screwed.

Encouragement of the top X percent of the very rich to live someplace else (where X is whatever we negotiate it to be, but something concerning the top 1 to 5 percent of total wealth holders), on the other hand, is another matter altogether; even though we will have to give them fair compensation.

Just because we see things differently shouldn't change the fact that we are still all, because we're hoping to divorce ourselves from the top X, working people. And it doesn't matter if that's hourly for whatever rate, or salaried; even up to millions a year (its negotiable for criminy sakes). We are, for the most part, the folks that keep America actually functioning after all. A true functioning not because stocks are bought or sold. Or because other financial instruments get bought, or sold. Or because whole new categories of marketing strategies can now be employed on electrically expanding streaming channels (to get people addicted in new ways). Or because a new blockchain coinage has the bitcoin farmers warming up their servers again. No. Not because of any of that.

Functioning because actual, needed things get made, and delivered. Actual, needed services get performed. And actual information gets consumed by the folks who need to do the actual, unbelievably precious act of informed choice, we used to call voting.

We are seeing how this is becoming ever more difficult now precisely because, along with everything else, information has been made dear to the Nth degree (where Nth is only something Rod Serling could know the full extent of, if he really could report from the Twilight Zone), and thus jealousy hoarded, and meted out only when greater gain is anticipated.

And with that ever present monetization of all things, of course, comes the inevitable, hot house environment for corruption, and addiction, that easy money, for too few people, that puts the rest of us in great jeopardy.

Hence the list of related links below:

1: Divided We Stand -- The country is hopelessly split. So why not make it official and break up

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