

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Madness Will Contine As Long As We Continue With 'Business As Usual.'

And it will not matter which party you put into power if you do not recognize this fact.

It is the money, and the system that supports it that is the main problem here. Everything flows from that because, well, you always "follow the money," don't you.

Just look at this recent list and feel both the shame, and the stupidity of what they represent:

1: We cannot support the veterans we have now properly (my brother is mentally ill now, in significant part, because of it), and yet we seem hell bent on putting more in harm's way.

2: We let "Big Money" frame most of the "debates" these days, why on earth would any decision on AI be any different?

3: Of course another big company is making less of anything substantial. Money made as electrons demands that the turn over rate, between the moment of commitment, of a unit of investment, to when it returns itself, and the premium required for its usage, become as ever closer to the speed of light as it can be; all human considerations be damned.

4: And further absurdity of absurdity, we put new carbon into the air at prodigious rates, just to have numbers create more numbers, in the best scheme devised to date, to illustrate just how far the dictum in item #3 above can be taken.

And then we wonder why, as history has clearly shown, election cycle after election cycle, nothing much hardly ever does get solved, after any term elections, midterm or otherwise, no matter which party is elected. That's a big part of why the cynicism has gotten so bad in the past, isn't it? And even though the participation energy is high now, on both sides, does either side really think they're going to fix any of the individual problems they usually fixate on (without any thought of how things need to be integrated very carefully, now that we are in such a new, and complexly interconnected, electrified operating environment)? Let alone fix what is going to kill most of life as we know it?

And the really sad part here is that you do know, deep down, exactly how futile the whole exercise will be without a fundamental shift in not only what we perceive the problem to be, but how we go about fixing it.

Acknowledging that, though, would require that you take your own, partial responsibility, for the knowledge, and then to feel the moral obligation to  accept, and take on, the personal sacrifice that doing the right thing now demands (the kind of thing Google employees did in walking out, en mas, just recently, because selfish, impulsive behavior -- just the kind of thing advertisers love -- towards woman must never be tolerated, but then... if women can still be commoditized, like everything else is being done to, is that first "walk out" just a first step in putting human values first?).

That's the real choice people will be facing tomorrow. The same choice as yesterday. And the same choice after the election. I can only hope that doing the right thing will eventually catch on to a much larger degree.

See Also:

Veterans haven't received GI Bill benefits for months due to ongoing IT issues at VA

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