

Saturday, October 27, 2018

While All Of This Is Going On...

We ignore the great need (to our great shame) not only in the rest of the world, but within our own borders, because now we create refugees here as well. Disastaster refugees, of one sort or another, who may get some immediate help, to ease the immediate impact of the loss of place; whether that be the loss of a former economic status, a home, or a business, or some some very significant aspect of your ability to live at all (as in a serious new health condition), hardly matters. From that point on you are marginalized to the point of horrible economic abstraction; abstractions that might get reported, or might not, but even if it is, in the great, almost cosmic, flood of information that we are now awash, and saturated, in, and now manipulated to so many different degrees, and from so many different angles, of need, and intent; even with all of that what would the chances be of your ever finding it anyway? Even assuming you were starting to become active, and involved.

And the really sad thing is that this "marginalization" gets baked in because so much of what happens to create it, and from the unintended, collateral damage, caused by it, becomes a new, potential source of profit for a system that always craves monetizing that which has not yet been monetized. And from that you then get a new interest group always quite eager to keep their industry going because, quite naturally, livelihoods are now dependent on that new industry. And so it goes.

The other thing here is that trying to continue to ignore the great need that surrounds us now is also a good deal more damaging than the brutally simple fact that we are killing the planet. And that is the fact that you feel that need whether you think you have put it out of your mind or not. You feel it because you are entangled into this entire web of life in far more ways than you realize now. You feel it in fact in a part of you that most of you refuse to recognized at all: That creative, feminine wild, body meaning space, part of our existence. The part where you have a vagina, whether you actually have a vagina or not. And because you feel it, while also trying to deny it, you create a new kind of, emotional, cognitive dissonance; a dissonance that can, and will, tear you apart from the inside out; unless, of course, you can find a way to self medicate enough to keep functioning... Sort of... Which is certainly where a good portion of us are now, if not an outright majority, which I think is the more likely situation.

The bottom line, though, is that you cannot solve any of these issues piecemeal. Hard as it might be to accept having to take on so much now, at the same time, with so much in the process of going wrong, you must still realize that any true solution must be a fully, and comprehensively (to the best practical degree possible, anyway), integrated solution. It absolutely must be. Or it just isn't going to work. And for that to happen, you are just as absolutely going to have to find a way to start cooperating with each other on every basis of location; because where you live now is only one place, and that is the place that is dying; collectively, and singularly, at the same time.

The only remaining question is whether you will fully realize, and act on, this in time.

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