

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Is This The Way To Show Real Change?

As Kristen Soltis Anderson indicates. in answering Mike Barnicle's question on why the Terrible Mr. T's negatives don't affect the polling for the midterms so much, it is both a factor of the economy seeming to be doing so much better, and the fact that, lying con man though he might be, the Right's base stills sees him as the agent of most change. Even if that change is more of the wrecking ball variety, it still seems to be coincident to the supposedly better economic numbers (and let's be clear on that notion, the numbers lie just as much as the Terrible Mr. T. does, as I have demonstrated in these posts, to list only a few:
"Depending On A System That Can't Handle Uncertainty, Much Less Ever Accelerating Change" "We’re Measuring the Economy All Wrong, Even When We Are Allowed To Measure At All", and
"The Real Problem Is That Smart Capital Doesn't Sit Still At All Any More").

And here is where the Democrats, as represented by normal "Liberalism," are in finding themselves in a bind. They are as much a part of "Business As Usual," now as the movers and shakers on the right are. Many of them espouse more progressive causes, but as a lot of other sources have indicated, big pocket Elites, of either ilk, don't want the real changes that a completely new operating environment demands of a hopelessly outdated, and now mutated, operating system. And the few "Socialists" that have become prominent may be setting themselves up for a big fall in thinking that they can get big, progressive changes, into a new House of Representatives, when, in fact, anything they might get passed will be so either watered down at the beginning, hamstrung by an administration hostile to its implementation, and operation, and so subject to outside sabotage, by economic interests of various sorts, looking to weaponize disinvestment, capital movements, and any other means to sour the economy while the new "Progressive" Dems try to do Socialism inside a completely corrupted system. All of that will derail anything they try to do from the inside, and perhaps to the point where the Dems won't ever be able to recover from; at least in time to start tackling the real issues of whether we can save the planet or not. As well as if we can redefine work so that it makes sense again in a new world of fantastic instrumentality.

The bottom line here is that the planet is dying and yet so few of the usual players in this game are willing to say what needs to be said about mobilizing the country, so that we can get started on the huge task of implementing the long lead time, initialization efforts; the kind of thing you have to have in order to get the staggering production levels going on the things that will do the most to actually fix what has gone wrong. And in all of that, if you do not see how money will just get in the way of getting anything done, than you really have drunk the Kool-Aid of that man you know is a lying, self serving, con man.

The Hidden Money Funding the Midterms

See Also:
Will Midterms Prove A 'Slam Dunk' For Democrats -- Morning Joe

How Tom Steyer Built the Biggest Political Machine You’ve Never Heard Of

‘Winners Take All’ -- Can Elites Really Change the World for the Better

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