

Saturday, September 15, 2018

We’re Measuring the Economy All Wrong, Even When We Are Allowed To Measure At All

No shit Sherlock.

That's the only thing I can say here as I contemplate years of saying the same thing myself. But of course not measuring it correctly would be of immense interest to those who have things just the way they want them.

And how is that any different from not wanting to measure certain things at all; you know, all of the embarrassing things that might get the rest of us... Well, sort of quite irritated, you would have to think, if we really had a good portion of the pertinent facts.

And as you might imagine now this sort of thing goes on a lot in not only our economy, but in quite a few other aspects of life as well. And it also occurs in other countries. Though when other countries do it, we are quick to call them anti democratic, and authoritarian purveyors of censorship.

What this illustrates, though, is precisely how precarious information, which is now not only money itself, and a commodity, but also a weapon, has become; and I hasten to add a weapon far beyond what it has ever been used for before.

And because it is a weapon that has been electrified, it can be moved anywhere at the speed of light; used with absolutely terrible amplification, is perfect for asymmetrical conflict, and can now be modified by ever faster computers; so much so that we have been rendered just as absolutely incapable of keeping up with all of the ways in which it can be manipulated. And so we turn over ever more of how everything operates to them, desperately hoping that our original intents, in getting them started on a problem, will not also mutate beyond any hope of our being able to understand what they will ultimately, and continually, from that point on, come up with. That's why they call "Emergent Behavior."

You really do want to be thinking about this a great deal more. Assuming, of course, that it matters to you that your ass is quite literally on the line here.

We’re Measuring the Economy All Wrong

See Also:

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