

Friday, September 7, 2018

It Isn't Working Properly. It Isn't Ever Going To Work Properly.

Precisely because money will always be getting in the way.

It was never meant to be a system built on balance either. And balance between opposites is also precisely what we need to do now. But that will take some creative thinking on what to replace how we currently operate social organization with; which must necessitate a comprehensive structural overhaul; however difficult that might be given that we also still need to save the planet.

You can't even begin to do that, however, until you stop with the foolishness you are involved with now; where foolishness, in this case, is thinking that we can continue to stop gap fix all of these accumulating problems, in an already overly patchworked, mutating monster. A band aid here. A band aid there. And certainly a lot of lip service everywhere. But nothing really changes, as a whole, for the better. Just ask the planet (you know, the one that needs saving), let alone the ever increasing number of displaced peoples accumulating all over the place. Precisely because we've screwed the planet up so much. In the process of screwing each other over as well, as it happens.

And still we roil on, with our dangerous competitions. As well as with our race to find the most cost effective addictions, and corruptions, that AI assisted insanity can muster, because that will really make the new electron god of money the most pleased of all. Even as it gleefully plots the negation of all life as we were originally evolved to know it. Everything can be reprogrammed it seems. Perhaps after that it won't matter in the least.

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