

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Questions Here, Really, If You Understand Just How Way Past Its Use-By Date Capitalism, Are:

How do we redefine government. And then how do we redefine work. Because we absolutely have to do both. We have to do that because:


In a nutshell boys and girls that means we have new kinds of tools now that Adam Smith would never have ever been able to even begin to conceptualize, much less think to anticipate for. For example, in his time, a lever, if big enough, and you had enough big guys to pull down own it, could partially lift a big rock. Today a lever, in the form of a switch, can set forth the end of everything; as we know it anyway. Can you see that difference now? I sure hope so. For all of our sakes.


The idea that the government should provide a job for anyone who wants one is both radical and impressively well-liked.

See Also:
[Post Note: If we redefined work, and we redefined government, you could build your own home as big as both you, and your community deemed appropriate (given whatever density, and location realities are ongoing in your area; the area that you wanted to live in precisely because of the people there and the location). And you would be able to do that because your commitment to keeping your community going would give you access not only to all of the expertise needed, as you did your own building, but also all of the materials it would require, because you, and the rest of your neighbors, would already have participated in the planning process that made sure there would be enough resource for an acceptable number of new dwellings each year. Just as you all would have participated in the planning for any other demand necessitated supply stream. And yes, sometimes that might require a lottery to see who gets the new production slot, and/or you and your neighbors would agree to give certain individuals preferential slots as incentives for doing extra, creative stuff, for the community. No matter what, though, it would be you, and your neighbors, who would be making the big planning decisions, and not some faceless bureaucrat, in an isolated governmental department. J.V.]

How Big Of A House You Can Buy For $200K In Major US Cities, Visualized

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