

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Our Cities Are Being Screwed Again. What A Surprize.

And it is, of course, the big players like AT&T, and Sprint (etc.), who are calling the shots. The very companies who are always trying to get bigger still.

The bottom line here is quite likely to be just what you would expect it to be. They will get their new antennas, by the thousands, spread out all through City, and suburb, taking advantage of City infrastructure, not to mention the public airways as concerns available spectrum, and they will get the rates they want, and the profits, and the rest of us will have to pay dearly for the right to have the new streaming speeds this new standard will offer.

And the really disheartening thing here will be that it will happen because we will let it happen. Even though we could stop it if we just chose to do so. But that would require really taking stock on just how bad the situation has gotten with these many imbalances of power. And certainly the further inconvenience of actually standing up and demanding that things change substantially. Which would also require we actually take responsibility for ourselves and organize in every city. Organize. Create coordinated, mass work stoppages, and then make it very clear that "Business As Usual" is over.

American Cities Are Fighting Big Business Over Wireless Internet, and They’re Losing

See Also:
[Post Note: And of course, if the cities are being screwed all over again, why wouldn't the same thing be happening to the states? No reason whatsoever. J.V.]

The Coal Industry Extracted a Steep Price From West Virginia. Now Natural Gas Is Leading the State Down the Same Path.

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