

Friday, April 27, 2018

If We Do Not Rid Ourselves Of The Obsolete Commercial Dynamic Of Captialism

There will be, I believe, one thing we will be able to count on as it regards the development of AI. And that will be the fact that its ultimate expression will end up being not human oriented at all. And this will be so precisely because the commercial dynamic of Capitalism is itself so absolutely anti human.

How could it be otherwise now that Capitalism has been so mutated by the very nature of this change; the change in how we can now retrieve experience, as opposed to how it was done all those hundreds of years ago when Capitalism first came into prominence. And when you then add in the equally egregious way Capitalism now skews behavior away from any kind of balance between the needs of the few, and the needs of the many, why would any emergent AI be anything but focused on the same kind of imbalance. In other words, it will serve only the inhuman abstraction that commercial process has become now that the pursuit of profit is everything. And we will certainly continue to understand next to nothing about what is going on as it happens because the insane competitive dynamic, that accompanies the main commercial dynamic, will ensure that there will be no time in which to pause and gain that understanding.

Experts Admit They Have No Clue How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Our World

See Also:
[Post Note: I personally don't have to wonder much at all about whether an AI, created within the dark new dynamic of Capitalism, would have had much it would find valuable in what is being expressed when one sees need in the context you see in the post just below here. J.V.]


Reformed addict and founder of "Haircuts 4 Homeless" Stewart Roberts knows all too well the plight of those battling addiction, mental health issues and homelessness. Sometimes, he explains, the most meaningful help one can offer is a simple conversation.

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