

Friday, December 15, 2017

What We're Doing Here Is More Than Just Surrendering To AI

We are surrendering to the data glut that we accept as inevitable only because it arises from an old economic operating system gone mad on electricity. Gone mad and mutating beyond human comprehension because the hyper competition, of this now runaway system, is beyond all concepts of real human need. Now it is just the need of the mentality of crunching more numbers, simply to get more numbers still, because money and information are synonymous, and the crazy accelerator is stuck on winding this never stopping turbine ever faster; until, of course, it just flies apart of its own insane centrifugal force.

Remember when investment was related to the idea of making the thing invested in better? You know. In terms of being more productive. More innovative. Always trying to get better results out of both your human capital, and your physical capital?

Now you only want the increased output count, of whatever mysterious, associational logic system (looking to find whatever temporary market correlations that can be taken advantage of in the micro, micro seconds between relative price state fluctuations) the neuron emulators have recently stumbled upon, because it is the accumulation of those ethereal counters that allows you to buy yet more counting capability, and so, also, the attitude of screw everything else.


By replacing human-curated judgement with data-backed judgement, AI ultimately narrows our field of vision and reduces our social and economic choices—in retail, dating, entertainment, education, health care, and job opportunities.

See Also:
Robots are replacing humans in the world's mines. Here's why.


A security robot has been put to work in San Francisco in an attempt to deter homeless people from forming tent cities along the sidewalks.

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