

Monday, November 13, 2017

What Do You Want To Bet That, Because The Need Is So Great...

...And this response is so hardly adequate to that need, that the inevitable corner cutting, and not paying the day to day maintenance staff nearly what they ought to be getting, that the "patients" end up bearing the brunt of staff frustrations; that they in fact become the targets of this situation being entirely their fault; which of course is complicated by the fact that they should bear some responsibility. It was, after all, bad choices that probably landed them here.

None of that, though, changes the fact that a society cannot last long if they do not come to grips for why the current environment seems so conducive to creating people who do not know how to do much of anything but indulge in bad choices. What is one to expect, however, from a situation where there is no longer much of any lasting stability for major economic stratas to provide the kinds of connected family/community support structures that might actually infuse into our children the kind of beneficial behavioral habits that produce good choice makers. Even worse, what little structure there is seems to encourage only one main thing; getting what you want now without any question of whether the things encouraged to be desired have lasting social value or not.

And the only reason this continues is that it does have the unbelievably great ability to make a few people quite disproportionately powerful in relation to the rest of us. People who can then insulate themselves from most of the fallout from one more great need not really being attended to.

And so another situation simply festers and grows worse.


It was supposed to be a refuge for troubled adolescents and foster kids who had run out of other options. But at Hill Crest Behavioral Health — part of UHS, America's largest psychiatric hospital chain — a culture of violence flourished.

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