

Sunday, November 26, 2017

I Refer To Our Current De Facto Ex President For A Reason

The most obvious reason is already well documented so I won't bother with that, but the other is only beginning to be talked about; and that of course is what comes after.

And the thing is, it is not just Trump's take on whatever it is he's actually advocating (because it probably changes by the minute in that pile of gray he calls a mind), it is also his hell spawn, Steve Bannon, that you have to consider; which I think is becoming more clearly his own kind of crazy, white nationalist form of authoritarian, racist, isolationism.

The two key points that both of the authors present in the PBS interview linked below are one: The terrible collapse of community indicated by Mr. Ornstein, and secondly: the lack of specifics in what Mr. Ornstein suggests might be Democratic Party responses.

The fact of the matter is that a huge portion, of both the demise of community, and the fact that the left has no real response, save more piecemeal reforms, stems from the inability to come to terms with the fundamental inability of Capitalism to respond to so many profound changes in how we can now create, store, and retrieve information; as well as how we can now put that information to work.

Because of this whole communities have been made economically irrelevant simply because they can't "market" themselves to the degree of profitability the money moguls demand. And people become ever more separated by insanely divergent, economic self interests. As such we bog down not only in continuous fights over who pays and who benefits, we put various employment groups in impossible situations where they either spew poison on their neighbors in one form or another, or take away the competitiveness of their neighbors, to bolster their own; because to do otherwise risks having you and yours either living near the mean streets, or sub existing on them. And all of that because of both an insane profit mentality to begin with, but also because of the insane competition that such rapidly changing competitive factors introduce.

We simply can't work to be more cooperative unless we change not only the nature of work, but the nature of what it is we are working for. That is why I must encompass this advocacy as a part of both a Philosophy, and a Economic analysis. And also why true, comprehensive change, must include new thinking in both philosophy and economics. And so, in conclusion, you can see quite clearly why "Where We Need To Go, Capitalism Won't take us."

Norm Ornstein and E.J. Dionne on the American divide and where we should turn next

Double-barreled Bannon: He targets both Mississippi GOP senators

See Also:

Where Are Democrats As GOP Prepares Vote On 'Pro-Rich' Tax Cut? | Morning Joe

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