

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Some Likely New Turbulence, For Those Who Need Air Carriers, in store for those same folks usually stuck on the ground, amidst a lot of humiliation (what with the invasive security now, and the "the cattle should just be quiet as they enjoy this cheap seat" attitude of the airline managements; themselves still stuck on on the current hub and spoke system. Nothing more than another kind of "disruption" the hot shot entrepreneurs love to talk about.

As the linked video below indicates, very long range, direct, point to point, flights are on the horizon now that engine efficiency has gotten to the point it has. This means that a lot of places that depend on hub and spoke now may be in for a surprise once the major airlines simply start flying over the old hubs. Will they, or their various spoke airports, be able to remain viable? Or will they go the route of the once venerable public train, or bus stations, as they fade from glory, and begin to look like the last dregs of strip mall trash, just waiting for the property available signs to be put up.

And this might happen if my hybrid dirigible blimp trains take flight or not. Which will likely mean, if we don't do public air trian regional transport, even more communities around the nation, as well as the rest of the world, will be without the very necessary freedom of being able to vote with your feet. Something else, in a growing, list that too often can become just another factor in why things are becoming unstable; wherever that may be. And lest we forget it is instability that creates desperate people, who then end up doing desperate things. None of which is in our long term interests. Which is also why an enlightened view seeks to correct the situation before the desperation starts.

Why New Jets Could Destroy Airlines

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