

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Thinking And Feeling With Only Money Involved...

...Will Not Make Surviving Severe Weather Very Likely.

You know how this goes, because in that frame of reference the main things the folks who make our nation's biggest choices worry about is "whose bank account will it come from. How will this set back our profit picture this quarter, and how is this going to make things worse in Washington, because gods know, we're pissing money there like the humans were pissing lead in defense of Zion, and things are only getting worse."

Ordinarily, of course, everyday folks would be thinking of things like getting to people in immediate need. Moving those still in harm's way to safer ground. Tending to those already found, and moved; making sure they have not only what they need materially, but also, just by responding as a community, giving them what they need in the first steps of reassurance, and a sense of hope.

And then there would be the natural call to organize and figure out what to start fixing first. What to provide for short term shelter and support for the many who will undoubtedly be homeless. There would be further organizational efforts to find the necessary supply stocks, secure transportation for same, and then figure out how to start getting it in without that effort tripping all over itself, or allowing the logistics to trip up in process, direct action, response efforts.

If you step back and consider this for a while you begin to see how the money response, and the other response described below it, have their own, unique, application of the meaning spaces of Cosmolosophy. In my opinion, one is healthy, and should be continued, and one is not.

It is my belief, and you do have to recognize here that I am biased, but it is my belief that my plan to take us in a new direction would allow us to respond as I described for what ordinary folks would do. It's up to you to see if it makes the kind of balance of sense that Cosmolosophy tries to describe. I of course think it does but that's a dedicated dreamer talking. Just sayin.

Make no mistake, though. The choice is yours, if you are willing to organize to take it. And also in this, remember as well that not choosing is a choice as too, distinguished only by the lack of involvement it suggests.

Capitalism is broke. You cannot fix it. You must do something different. Time is not on our side.

See Also: 

Harvey Threatens to Tip Houston’s Working Poor Into Destitution

[Post Note: Ok. This time I'm not including a link on purpose. Don't think I need it here. The other times, of course, have been me just being the too focused on what I'm thinking, and feeling, to remember minor little details... Like the convenient links that might actually let you see what I want you to link to. Sorry about that guys. Will try to do better]

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