

Saturday, August 5, 2017

It Is Extremely Complicated If You Think You Can Operate A Big Chunk Of Socialism...

...Inside of a Capitalistic economic operating system. So complicated in fact that you risk making things generally much worse over all. Most especially so now because we not only have an economic operating system mutated by the introduction of electrified experience retrieval, but also because it now winds along, in its chaotically accelerating manner, with the weight of at least one hundred years of laws, and regulations, and procedures, implemented to reform it from the viewpoint of a range of interpretive idea systems. As such, changes now, no matter the idea source, risk unintended side effects that are impossible to anticipate. Which is why even the best of very complex pieces of software have to be abandoned eventually.

The point here being that, eventually, you have to accept the fact that things have changed so much that it's time to start over. And by start over I mean time to both reassess not only the solution to addressing your requirements, but to also freshly assess what those requirements actually ought to be now, in that new environment. And the greater the change in the environment you operate in, from when the original system was first conceived, to now, then the more fundamentally important both sides of your reassessment must be.

Is this not obvious? Is this so hard to grasp?

I can tell you honestly, from someone who was involved deeply in the business of software development, as well as the mind set of systems overview, and analytical description, for more than twenty years, it sure doesn't seem so to me.


The health-care debate is moving to the left. But if progressives don't start sweating the details, we're going to fail yet again.

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