

Thursday, August 17, 2017

He's An Idiot If He Thinks Declaring Economic War With China Is Going To Accomplishing Anything...

...Other than create more fault lines of crisis, dispute, and ramped up probabilities for the start of hostilities no one may be able to stuff back in that big bad box of "it's too late now."

One cannot help but wonder if, not being so ignorant of media studies, as they pertain to social development, and developing forms of economies (from people McLuhan, Innis, Boorstein etc), he might have a better sense of just how profound a change it can be when you start, say, with tablets, to keep track of things. Then move to scrolls (selecting arbitrarily here), then to the repeatable type of the printing press. And then to electrons, photons, total quantum states, and perhaps even gravity at some point, to store, retrieve, and utilize information, over both space and time. But these things do have great effect, and he would know that if he took the time to look into it.

The thing is, recognizing that big changes have occurred in how we perceive, and conceptualize things, now would give us the opportunity to not only find a better direction to go in, and a better way to organize ourselves to be in alignment with that direction, but the possibility as well that, as a part of going down that path, having a good portion of the assumptions that put us at odds with others in the first place, simply go away; or at least become a great deal easier to negotiate the, "tolerable for both sides," accommodations to allow us to work together for goals that I think will then become much easier to see as a common good for all parties.

This is, of course, why I'm trying to integrate a number of specific lines technological development; especially as they revolve around the creation of hydrogen as the main, renewable fuel of choice, for the planet, and the much more aggressive development of in-solar-system automation infrastructure. Setting it up at the get go as something that we will work to include every nation, and belief group to be part of; to the best practical degree that human ingenuity, and creativity, can manage, balancing our own needs within this effort, certainly, as we proceed.

It is a new operating environment. With new technology and new kinds of instrumentality. Try to get that through your heads. It absolutely demands a new way of doing things. We don't do this we will simply be indulging ourselves in falling back on old habits. Habits (horribly distorted now that a mutated operating system has had a chance to irradiate them for at least the past five decades) that have already amply demonstrated the fact that they just don't work anymore.

This is the way it is. The only question now is if the majority of you will either face the issue openly, and honestly, or if you will just go on distracting yourselves, ever so entertainingly no doubt, down a very ugly spiral of increasingly chaotic decline.

Steve Bannon Says U.S. in Economic War With China

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