

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Imagine Doing A Task...

...Whatever task might be needed to keep your community going (and it is indeed a huge matrix of services, process operations, and management), and you had a wearable tech combination that allowed you to understand not only what was going on around you, in quite specific detail if required (with both audio, and visual aids to help with an intuitive understanding), but exactly what was needed to be done next, in whatever task you might be talking about (with the exception, of course, of situations where a great deal of learned, hand eye coordination is involved, or other, learned, coordinated faculties, are concerned; especially in time sensitive situations; but then, there's AI that may be able to do most of that as well, isn't there).

Imagine what might be possible because we, the working majority of Americans, were in charge of it all, and could, then, do a lot of very useful things; for no other reason than they made practical sense to a consensus majority of either a particular community (or City State, because I like the sound of that a lot better) itself, or significant portions of the Federated City States. Not because more money could be made. Not because it could be used to cut the legs off of another competitor. No. Just because it made sense, and would help the community prosper.

What a concept, huh?

Just imagine being able to standardize things across a whole host of interaction activities, and channels. Standardizing components of all kinds; how their made (and whether by automation or not), as well as what their particular features might have.

This is where modularity comes into play so that as many larger assemblies, of whatever end use item you might want to talk about, could be put together simply by snapping (so to speak) whatever combination of them that gets the job done, as we could possibly manage.

I bring this up because it would present tremendous opportunities to make work within such, more controlled, and optimized, physical environments, a great deal more coordinated, and easier for non experts to understand. And in particular here you would have the capability to implant not only diagnostic sensors for the physical aspects of the entity, but for the process it was currently involved in as well (if possible), but the chips to organize what was being sensed, and the further ability to divulge that information upon (say RFID) request. Thus, no matter your individual expertise of how something works is, your wearable AI assistant would be able to query all queryable aspects of what was going on, in any particular moment, so as to inform you of what might be needed; checking in, of course, with all relevant, higher level, management assistance AI, and the citizens tasked with being a part of that higher task loop.

Things would probably not run as quickly as they do now, at least until all of got used to working with such assistance, but they would get done, and we could all participate. We could do the shifting between doing, say street maintenance for two weeks, to doing maintenance on one processing plant or another, for another two weeks, and then on to say elderly care for the next period, etc., with some confidence that we'll be able to jump into whatever is currently going on without too much delay (which could be further helped, of course, if we staggered this job hopping so that at least one person has already been there for a week to help the next new guy with his/her first week back in this task).

This is why the electrification of experience retrieval is such a big deal. It simply changes everything; especially if you have access to a clean, infinitely abundant source of energy, which, of course, we do (via liquid hydrogen produced at sea with my version of Yen Tornado wind turbines). Because of this we can set things however we want to without money, or absolute dependence on specialization. Specialization isn't going to go away, of course, but we can de emphasize it significantly; to the point at least for which the alternative that I have outlined would work.

The only thing missing here is the recognition, first that the current economic operating system is no longer relevant in any way for this new operating environment, and secondly that an alternative is not only conceivable, but quite within the realm of possibility to be implemented. And that is where you come in. You need to be talking about this wherever you can; in personal interactions during the day, and on the web. Because something needs to be done, and quickly.


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