

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Even If You Manage To Pass A Small Bit Of Reform...

...The mentality of "there is never enough profit" will keep coming back, like water, and freezing,  eroding away at whatever you erect to try to block it. This is what William  Greider tried to tell us with books like "Secrets Of The Temple," and "Who Will Tell The People."

This is the kind of mentally that seeks to infiltrate the reform process at every step, trying at first to block any support for change, and then moving on to water down the changes to blunt their impact, or, if that fails, move into the bureaucratic process to thwart things as a part of regulation; going so far as to even sabotage things by denying regulatory funding, or putting people in charge who refuse to regulate at all. Why else would a GOP controlled Congress quietly take money out of high risk pool funding for the Affordable Care Act? Sure, it was quite flawed to begin with, but if you gut a key provision to help insurers pay for high risk patients, it makes it a lot easier to say the program is a failure when those same insurers are then forced to opt out of the program altogether.

This is the ground we have been over and over, time and again, in the process of pretending we can keep a lid on this "there is never enough profit" mentality. And the only question left to answer is why we think continuing on with it will result in anything being any different. Other than the prospect, for them, that, at some point, their ability to control what we know, and when we will know it, might get to some kind of critical mass. And as we've all had a chance to see lately, that moment of control might be a good deal closer than we think. Just as their ability to withstand any kind of major labor stoppage might also be at ultimate risk in the not too distant future.

If you aren't thinking about this. If you aren't concerned about this than you are a fool and you will reap exactly the kind of reward due a fool.

Axing Dodd-Frank Could Put the Entire Financial System at Risk

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