

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Because The Democrats Have No Real Answers For What's Wrong With Our Economy...

...Any more than the Republicans do. And where the Republicans simply rejoice in their love of money, Democrats spend most of their time being conflicted with wanting it on the one hand, and hating the unequal outcomes it fosters on the other, but not so much as to really put lasting curbs on it.

And so they dither, election cycle after elections cycle, offering up their limited set of reforms at the margins, hoping the effort, more than the actual outcome, will carry the day for them; something that recent history strongly suggests isn't working anymore.

And why would it when you consider how easy it is for the GOP to show how a lot of reform often ends up causing more problems than it solves; especially when you are working with a system not only as complicated as ours is now, but one that has so egregiously mutated over the years now that electrified information retrieval systems have changed the operating environment so thoroughly in the last 50 or so years; but also because they simply always have more money with which to muck about in manipulating things (which, of course, also serves to make things worse).

In my view, the only way for the American electorate to truly find a workable new path is to start from scratch and find a way to work, and live, in this "changed operating environment. And to do that you absolutely have to start thinking outside of the cash box, well before you get to the ballot box.

GOP's Handel Beats Democrat Ossoff in Georgia Special Election

See Also:


Among Democrats in Washington, the setback in Georgia revived or deepened a host of existing grievances about the party, accentuating tensions between moderate lawmakers and liberal activists and prompting some Democrats to question the leadership and political strategy of Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader.

What's Wrong With The Democrats?

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