

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Institutionalizing A Right Wing Ideological Imperative

Can we stop pretending that, just because a guy has great legal technical skills, he is somehow then automatically going to be make decisions on purely technical legal merits? Please?

I know, there is always the possibility that a judge will grow in maturity, protected by the life time appointment, but anyone who thinks that puts high odds on our newest court member should really think seriously about avoiding gambling altogether; as his decision record clearly suggests. You can say this because, once born an ideologue, one tends to stay as such; especially when one may also have rich benefactors who guided them throughout their development. Everybody in Washington DC knows this. No one is going to be surprised at all when the new guy votes very conservatively on matters that come before SCOTUS.

The fact of the matter is that SCOTUS became irretrievably politicized once the Republicans decided that a sitting President did not have the right to have a nominee considered for the court, at all; no hearings. No interviews. No real excuses; other than it's his last year in office. I mean, seriously?

And why stop at just a year, if you really don't like the guy. Why not limit the guy you don't like to only his first 100 days in office? That's when any supposed mandate has its most sense of validity. And after that the rest of the term is just as a lame duck. Why not? It makes just as much arbitrary sense as the last year in office.

What we are talking about here, of course, is just another aspect of what too much money in political life, for far too long, has done to foul it up with the structuralization of assumed privilege; where money itself ends up deciding what is important (especially too it), and what is not. Of how things will be done then, and of how they will not be allowed to be done.

And lest it is also not clear to you, the Republicans in both houses know only too well how incompetent, and/or how crazy, our de facto ex president is. They know this and they don't care nearly enough to do anything about it yet because they think they can cement a good deal more of the structuralization already described into place, now that they control both houses, and, presumably the crazy guy as well. That it hasn't been going so well for them only serves to emphasize just how crazy it is to think you can work with crazy and not live to regret it.

There is also another kind of crazy that is making things hard for the Republicans, however, that I need to acknowledge: The fact of one particular form of Capitalism's own contradictions. Some money people want to embrace the global trade version, leaving local markets to fend for themselves, and others want to try and invent a new kind of bunker-ized, fortress America, Capitalism; apparently thinking we don't need anybody else (any more than we need science, or facts, or face a radically changed world). Which is simply indicative of one big industry group being at odds with another big industry group, and heaven help all of us, down in the trenches, between them all.

And this is just part of the reason why I am advocating the sweeping changes that you have seen described in this blog. I remain convinced that, if you spend even a modest amount of time in researching all of the ins and outs of this mutated monster of an economy, you will too will come to understand the need for change of that depth, breadth, and height.


With the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo has reared a generation of originalist élites. The selection of Neil Gorsuch is just his latest achievement.

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